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liked by seung_min and 8 others // 29 dislikes

y._jeongin || thanks to everyone who attended my performance at the school today, voting ends tommorow, so please cast your vote for Yang Jeongin!!! thanks to seungmin for snapping this photo btw.

[Tagged seung_min]

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seung_min YES GUYS GO VOTE FOR y._jeongin!!

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seung_min also, ik my photo taking skills are IMMACULATE 

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user234 ok..ig??

↳ y._jeongin thank you so much!!

user34 nahhh hyunghyn all the way.


Hyunjin pulled out his phone from his pocket to view the notification he received. It was from instagram. As his phone loaded up the comment he was tagged in, his face lit up. 

"user34 nahhh hyunghyn all the way."

His eyes viewed the highlighted comment, giving it a like before scrolling up to the original post. Jeongin thinks he has a shot at beating me?  He thought, letting out a quiet scoff. A small smirk formed on his face, lit up by the moonlight shining in from the crack in his white curtains. Hyunjin was confident he was going to win, so confident that he didn't even attend Jeongin's performance. He hated the kid. Always so smiley, energetic, and for what--? He placed his phone down on the nightstand next to him, closing his eyes for a night hopefully filled with sleep.

It wasn't. 

As the sun rose marking the start of the following day, Hyunjin let out a loud sigh, although both his parents were off to work so none of them could hear him. Hyunjin slid out of bed, stretching and rubbing his eyes. His room was simple, yet very fitting. On one wall sat his collection of candles, on the other posters of idols. Hyunjin never wanted to be an idol, of course. He just admired them. Right now (and for all he's concerned), he's fine with being deemed as the schools popular, and handsome senior. (Their words, not his.)

Friday.. huh?  He thought to himself, as well as marking down the current time. 4:56AM. Hyunjin hated not sleeping, but it seemed like he couldn't avoid it. No one seemed to notice anyway, so he was fine.  



twx.hsoffical || Good Morning High Schoolers. This is YOUR reminder that the winner of this years talent competition is in YOUR hands! All congratulations to our finalists, Hwang Hyunjin and Yang Jeongin! Hwang Hyunjin, a senior, has won the talent show for 2 consecutive years, whilst Yang Jeongin, a freshman has shot his best shot! Please vote honestly, and enjoy your weekends. Voting ends at 1pm, and the winner will be announced at 4pm, right before dismissal. 

liked by leefelixxx and 849 others // 1 dislike


↳ user34 YEAHHH

↳ seung_min i get yall like hyunghyn but y._jeongin did so good. especially as a freshman, he was so cute and sang so well. 

↳ y._jeongin thanks hyunggg

seung_min ofc. i know how much you sacrificed to be able to preform last night. 


Hyunjin read the comments of the post as he walked to school. He refreshed the page occasionally to view if anymore people came to comment positively about him. However, he noticed something weird. When he refreshed the page, the last comment, left by Seungmin, his classmate, was deleted. Weird.. Hyunjin thought, approaching the school building. As he walked in through the doors, he was greeted with people cheering his name and chanting. 

"Hyunjin! Hyunjin!"

He smiled and winked at some of the people in the hallways before he stopped, staring at 2 people at the edge of the hallway. It was Seungmin and Jeongin. 

"Yeah man, I.. I don't know what I'm gonna do.." The youngest said, looking up at Seungmin. 

"Jeongin, it's going to be okay."


Suddenly, the halls were empty, leaving the duo, and Hyunjin alone.


A/N: please let me know if there is any spelling errors!

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