Chapter 6: The Treasure

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The battlefield was a scene of utter chaos, the remnants of powerful jutsus and cursed techniques lingering in the air like a toxic miasma. Sukuna, the King of Curses, stood amidst the destruction, his malevolent grin widening as he prepared to unleash his Domain Expansion. With a flick of his wrist, the cursed energy surged, creating an ominous barrier that enveloped the entire area.

The world inside Sukuna's domain was twisted and nightmarish, filled with the crushing weight of his cursed power. The air itself seemed to cut like knives, and the ground was littered with jagged spikes that emerged from the earth. Those trapped within it could feel their bodies being torn apart, as if the very essence of Sukuna's curse was attacking them from within.

Everyone was writhing in pain, struggling to maintain their focus. Naruto, Yuji, Gojo, and even Madara, who had fought through countless battles, found themselves overwhelmed by the sheer malevolence of Sukuna's domain. Their skin burned, and their muscles screamed in agony as the cursed energy threatened to tear them apart.

Everyone except Obito Uchiha.

Obito stood in the center of the domain, his expression unreadable. While everyone else was being ravaged by Sukuna's curse, Obito seemed unaffected, his body resisting the damage that should have been inflicted on him. But something strange was happening. Obito's body began to twitch involuntarily, his eyes flickering between the cold, calculating gaze of the Rinnegan and the conflicted, tormented eyes of Megumi Fushiguro, whose body he had taken control of.

It was as if Megumi was fighting back, trying to reclaim his own body from the invader. Obito's breathing grew labored, and he stumbled, clutching his chest as if something was tearing him apart from the inside. But despite the internal struggle, Obito saw an opportunity—a momentary lapse in Sukuna's guard.

Gathering every ounce of his remaining strength, Obito lunged at Sukuna, his hand crackling with chakra. With a swift, precise strike, he drove his hand into Sukuna's chest, aiming for the heart. The blow landed with a sickening crunch, and Sukuna's grin faltered as pain shot through his body.

The impact was enough to shatter Sukuna's concentration. His Domain Expansion crumbled, the oppressive aura dissipating like a dissipating storm. The ground beneath them shook as the cursed barrier disintegrated, leaving the battlefield exposed once more.

Seeing an opening, Yuji Itadori didn't hesitate. Channeling his cursed energy, he unleashed a devastating Black Flash, his fist connecting with Sukuna's side with explosive force. The impact was precise, aimed directly at Sukuna's kidney, causing the King of Curses to double over in pain. The combined damage from Obito's strike and Yuji's Black Flash left Sukuna reeling, his body vulnerable in a way it hadn't been before.

Gojo Satoru, ever the tactician, seized the opportunity presented by his allies

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Gojo Satoru, ever the tactician, seized the opportunity presented by his allies. He combined his Red and Blue techniques, merging them into a single, devastating attack—Hollow Technique: Purple. The sphere of immense destructive power tore through the battlefield, erasing everything in its path. The very fabric of reality seemed to distort as the attack surged toward its target.

 The very fabric of reality seemed to distort as the attack surged toward its target

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Sukuna and Obito had no chance to escape. The blast tore through them, ripping through flesh and bone with unrelenting force. Sukuna's body was left riddled with deep cuts and bruises, blood pouring from the wounds as he staggered backward. Obito, too, was severely wounded, his borrowed body barely holding together after the onslaught.

The immense damage proved too much for Obito to maintain his hold over Megumi's body. With a final shudder, Obito's presence was forcefully expelled, and Megumi collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath. He was weak, but he was back in control.

Yuji and Gojo rushed to Megumi's side, relief washing over them as they saw their friend return to consciousness. Megumi blinked, trying to gather his bearings as he looked up at the two figures standing over him.

"Yuji... Gojo-sensei... What happened?" Megumi's voice was weak, but there was a determination in his eyes.

"You were possessed," Gojo explained, helping Megumi to his feet. "By someone called Obito Uchiha. But you're back now. That's all that matters."

Before they could say more, a new threat emerged. Madara Uchiha, who had been waiting for the right moment, launched a sudden attack. His Susanoo, a towering figure of pure chakra, sprang to life, its glowing eyes fixated on the weakened trio. Without hesitation, Madara swung his massive sword toward them, intending to cut them down in one swift strike.

Kakashi and Gojo moved in tandem, with Kakashi intercepting Madara's attack, and Gojo countering with his own. But the force of Madara's Susanoo was overwhelming, and even Gojo's limitless power seemed strained against it.

Naruto, sensing the danger, quickly acted. With a burst of speed, he whisked Yuji and Megumi out of harm's way, while Sasuke, his own Susanoo blazing, joined the fight against Madara. The clash between the two Susanoo titans sent shockwaves across the battlefield, the sheer power of their attacks threatening to tear the world apart.

Megumi watched the battle unfold, anger boiling within him as he saw his friends risking their lives. He knew that they couldn't keep this up forever. They needed something more—something powerful enough to turn the tide.

Without hesitation, Megumi stepped forward, his hands coming together to form a series of rapid hand signs. "With this treasure, I summon..." he began, his voice rising with intensity.

Yuji and Gojo turned to him, eyes widening in surprise. They recognized the technique, but they had never seen Megumi use it with such resolve.

"MAHORAGA!" Megumi screamed, the final hand sign forming as he poured every ounce of his cursed energy into the summoning.

The ground beneath them trembled, and a blinding light erupted from the point of summoning. An enormous figure began to materialize, its presence sending ripples of power through the air. As the light faded, a towering white creature stood before them, its form both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

The Shikigami, Mahoraga, emerged from the smoke, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly power. A large ring floated above its head, symbolizing its immense strength. Its appearance alone sent waves of unease through the battlefield, and even Madara paused, sensing the power of this new entity.

The battlefield fell silent for a moment, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. The others could only watch in awe as Mahoraga, the ultimate Shikigami, took its place beside Megumi.

Was this creature an ally, summoned to fight alongside them? Or was it a new enemy, with power too great to control?

As the dust settled, everyone knew one thing for certain—the battle was far from over.

Chapter End.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31 ⏰

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