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Mina's pov

Maybe she called the police and our friends we were directly in the ambulance

But a vip one because her friends insisted to bring that

[In this story the vip ambulance means a ambulance but has two compartments]

"What is happening"dahyun said as she and jeongyeon picked chae's unconscious body

They took her to the ambulance we all sat down jeongyeon and dahyun sat near her both on each side because they are doctors to even though it's not there major

"Sh-she protected me"I said holding her hand crying as all they tried calming me

"Calm down"tyuzu and momo said

"How did she get this injured"dahyun asked

"She protected with her body"I said shaking

"Aish this girl mina calm down if she sees you in this state she will be sad"jeongyeon said

"Yahh mina calm down she is a strong person"tyuzu said

"But why is she unconscious"I said

"She obviously got hurt that's why now calm down before I wake her up and tell her about your condition"dahyun said

All we talked what is happening

"It will take two hours to reach the hospital it's too far"the driver said dahyun and jeongyeon said ok

They were checking on chae every minute

"Yahh unnie why is her hand so cold"sana shouted we held her hand or arms that were really cold

"Hypothermia detected give me the injection"dahyun said as jeongyeon gave her injection

"Yahhh unnie She opened her eyes" tyuzu shouted

Cahe was actually awake

"Chae your awake"said all of us shouting

"Yahh I am not deaf don't shout"chae said as she tried removing her oxygen mask

"No chae you cannot take this off"jeongyeon said

"But this thing is so stupid remove it"

"Chae pls"I said as chae looked at me wipping my tears

"Why the hell are you crying I am alright not hurt I am here alive"chae said as we chuckled at her stubborness

"Chae stop with your stubborness do you even know how hard me and dahyun tried to make you conscious"jeongyeon said

"So I am now awake fully fine"

"Let me bandage your knee"dahyun bandaged it she was counting we didn't understand

After bandaging"78"dahyun said

"What 78"we asked

"78 stabs in the knee"we all froze

Did I hear right 78 stabs

We all talked a while as chae also talked to us

"Can I sleep now I am tired"chae said

"No you can't"dahyun said

"Why I want to sleep"

"Because you can get unconscious if you sleep"

We talked for five minutes more until


We all looked to the heart monitor which started decreasing drastically we looked at chae who was unconscious

"What is happening"nayeon said

"We don't understand she is having breathing problems and low blood"jeongyeon said as they injected chae

"Is it bad"sana and momo asked

"It's really bad "dahyun answered as all we started worrying

"Tyuzu take them to the second compartment"jeongyeon said as they started tie chae's hands and legs to the bed

"Why we want to be here"sana said

"We gave her a injection she will wake up but be much more aggressive because the Tonic will take over her body so you won't be safe near her pls go to the second compartment and lock the door it's a glass door you guys can see if you want but pls"dahyun answered

Tyuzu took us there we all were watching as dahyun and jeongyeon sat beside but gave us some space to see her face

She opened her eyes but

"Why the fuck am I here and why are my hands and legs tied"chae said as she tried breaking the ropes

"Chae calm down calm down"

"How can I fucking calm down why the hell am I wearing this stupid thing take this off now"chae said

"No chae we will not take it off"jeongyeon said

Chae started moving her hands and legs she looked like a mad man

Unfortunately she broke the ropes

And grabbed dahyun's collar

"Why did you tie me up do you want to d-"before she finished her sentence jeongyeon injected her with sleeping medicine

We all hurried to the compartment

"What just happened now why was she so mad and grabbed your collar"I said shocked at chae's action

"It's the effect of the tonic don't worry"dahyun said

We all hurried to the hospital as dahyun and jeongyeon stayed out because they are not surgeons or specialist in this

After a while

"She was brutally stabbed in her back and has 78 stabs in her knee her head and back are badly injured she lost too much blood we don't know if she will wake up or not"doctor said as I fell on the floor my friends hugged me all having tears

"It's ok mina chae will definitely wake up don't worry"dahyun said

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