I was walking in the woods to find some berries to make a dark bloody like Berrie pie. I have found the perfect spot I yelled I started picking berries when I herd so this rustling
In the bushes I have ignored it the first time and assumed it was a small animal so I went back to picking berries and I herd it once more so I went to investigate while I was walking I saw a man.Part 2
He walked over to me and said what are u doing little girl she took one look at him and recorniesd that his skin was stiched up she backed away and ran. She finally got to her house and noticed the door open. She investigated and saw a black wolf it attacked her so she grabbed a axe a forced it into the wolf's head.
Part 3
She had realized she had killed it and thought what am I going to do with this black wolf and then she said I'll make a jacket she skined the wold and wore it ever sense.