chapter. 1

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It's suppose to be our birthday and yet mom and dad still haven't even sent us a message.. Lucas isn't even trying to celebrate either. It's been three years since our parents left us with our nanny. At least they send us more than enough money every week but still I was hoping that this year they would make an effort to stop by.

"I'm home!"

The house is dark and quiet as always.. Lucas is probably upstairs playing those dumb video games as usual. Lately he's been staying in his room, sometimes I wonder if he's really playing games. Whenever he comes out he seems.. different, he's more distant, cold and closed off.

shouldn't I be doing something? we are twins after all...

I sighed as I reached his bedroom, right away I noticed a bright light coming out from under the door along with a cold breeze blowing at my feet but an odd and intense feeling followed.. it was as if something was telling me not to enter but curiosity got the best of me and I entered. Almost right away a bright light hit me, it caught me by surprise along with the harsh wind that was suddenly pulling me, I lost my balance and fell backwards to the floor and infant of me all I could see was a bright white light. No matter how hard I tried to pull myself back the strong wind pulled me closer and closer until I felt my body fling off the floor and into the light. The next thing I knew I was falling through endless nothingness, my screams echoing into the void. I couldn't understand what was happening. The sensation of feeling seemed to last forever, my heart was pounding in my chest and I could barely catch my breath.

Suddenly, I hit the water with a face that knocked the air out of me, the coldness and the harsh sting from hitting the water shocked my body and I struggled to resurface, as my head finally came out of the water I gasped for air and looked around.

"ah- someone! help me!"

How did I get here?! I can't see anything, there's no way anyone will help me!!

My hands splashed in the water in weak attempts to keep my body above the water. I could feel my body becoming weaker the longer I struggled until I was yanked out of the water and thrown into a small boat by an old man.

"Stop your hollering! you'll scare the fish away!" he barked, his voice rough and irritated.

I coughed and shivered as I looked around still trying to process the sudden events. I was just in my brothers bedroom and now I'm in a boat in the sea??

"I.. I...where am I? I dont know how I got here and-"

"yeah, yeah, save the stories for someone who cares!" he grumbled, turning his back to me, "Now sit still and be quiet."

I sat there shivering and trying to make sense of what had just happened. The old man rowed silently, the only sounds being the creak of the boat and the water lapping against it.

"where are we?" I finally managed to speak,

The man glanced at me over his shoulder. "Yer in the middle of The Celestial Sea kid, ain't no place for someone like you."

"The... Celestial sea?" I repeated, confused. "you... mean the Pacific Ocean?"

He looked at me, bewildered. "Pacific Ocean? Never head of it. This here kid is the celestial sea."

I swallowed hard, my mind racing with a thousand questions. "wh...whats your name, sir?"

"Names Ol' Briney." He muttered, focusing on rowing the boat. "And you best be thankful I found ya all the way out here. There's thousands of see creatures and monsters out here that would love the make a meal out of you."

"M-Monsters?" I whispered and forced out a chuckle. " mean sharks?"

"Aye" he nodded. "But not just sharks. From the smallest fish to the largest leviathan, this sea is teeming with em. But don't worry." he added. "Ive got a teleport crystal here. Only one, mind ya, and it should only ever be used in emergencies. Now.. enough talking its best to stay quiet."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02 ⏰

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