Away from Each Other

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Diamond's POV:

The next morning I woke up to no one cuddling me. Then I remembered me and Carter aren't a thing. So I cried. Then I got a text.

D~ Diamond
C~ Carter

*start of convo*
C~ Hey can we talk.
D~ why there is nothing to talk about you cheated on me and I don't want to talk to you. Sorry Carter its over.
C~ Diamond come on I love you so much to lose you.
D~ If you love me you you wouldn't of cheated on me.Goodbye Carter.

*end of convo*

I decided to get ready. So I hopped in the shower and got ready. I put a little mascara on and lip gloss and straighten my hair. Then I went to Mandi and Hayes's room. Then I saw everyone even Carter and his slut. Yes, I still like Carter I always will. I will never stop liking him he'll never get out of my head. But he broke my heart cheating on me. So I walk in and everyone hugs me I hug back. But when it came to Carter's hug I pushed it away. I was giving him a silent treatment.

Carter's POV:

I thought Diamond was kidnapped. I love her so much.Yea, i still like her and yes i have a new girl but Diamond is important to me and I will always love her. So I came in for a hug and she pushed it away. She was giving me a silent treatment. I hated when she did the silent treatment.

"Diamond can we talk pleeaasse" I said "Carter leave her alone she doesn't want to talk to you get it threw your damn head" Mandi said "its fine come on" Diamond said. So she led me to her hotel room. I sat right next to her and she moved away.

"What do you want to talk about" she said "prom" I said " I didn't kiss Brittany she kissed me and I know for a fact your not going to forgive me but I love you and care for you and it will always be that way." "Carter I love you too" she said "then let's get back together" I said "Because we need a break you cheated on me and that's final I'm sorry Carter but its your fault we're not together." She said then she left. I walked out her room with tears in my eyes.

"Its okay babe you have me now" Brittany said "No I don't I'm but its over" I said. She just flipped her blonde hair in my face and left.

Mandi's POV:

When Carter and Diamond were talking me and the other girls were listening in on the conversation. We saw Diamond come out and ran. Then Carter came out and his slut came over to him but he loved Diamond to much so he dumped that bitch. After the break up she walked over to us.

"I'll get you all back especially your gold digging friend" she said "last time I checked you were the gold digger" I said. She just flipped her and left. We saw Diamond and decided to get away from our boyfriends and Carter to spend time with her. So I we decide to go to the mall. I wonder what the boys are doing.

Nash's POV:

We decided to go to the mall because we can get stuff like clothes and games. So we hop in Carter's car and leave. But something was a little funny because we were to cars behind the girls. I hope they aren't going to the mall. So they took a teun and we got to the mall. We went in and went to Areopostal,Hollister, and American Eagle. Carter was feeling a lot better until.

Alexis's POV:

We all saw the boys to cars behind us but Diamond didn't see them. So I told her to take a left and go all the way around so she did. That was close. We got in the mall and went to Forever21,Areo,and American Eagle. Diamond was way to happy until... She saw the boys. Carter looked at her with a sorry face. She gave him a its okay look. So we walked over to the boys and started to fight with them. But Carter and Diamond were taking to each other and just being quiet with it. After there talk Diamond left. I was about to go get her but Cameron kept arguing with me. I got a text from Diamond saying she was going to the food court. I didn't text back I just let it go.

Diamond's POV:

I went to the food court and went to Auntie Anne's. It was my second favorite.

"Hi how can I help you?" The guy said "Hi can I get a Ice Mocha and a pretzel with cheese" I said. He got my stuff and I paid him. I turned around and walked away. I bumped into someone and my stuff got all over them.

"" I said and started to clean his shirt but I just made it worse. "Its okay it wasn't your fault" he said "let by you a new pretzel,drink,and cheese" "no its fine" I said but he already bought it and he got himself the same thing. " fine but I'm buying you a new shirt" I said "fine" he said in a exhausted voice. We started to talk and get to know each other more. I looked out the corner of my eye and saw Carter getting mad. Why is he getting so jealous?

"So I never got your name" he said. Damn it. "Its Diamond" I say "Oh my name is John" he says. So we go to buy his new shirt and he just took it off right in the right in front of everyone. I was just blushing and looking at him so bad "like what you see" he said "um... uh... I-I guess" I say then blush. I got a text from Kierra saying that they are leaving. "Hey, I got to go and I known its usually the ask boy to ask the girl but can I get your number" I say "of course" he says. We exchange numbers and in my contacts his name in my phone is Shirtless John. So when I got to the guys outside They asked me a billion of questions but Carter gave me a jealous look. We got to the hotel and I went to my room and John texted me.

J~ John
D~ Diamond

*start of convo*
J~ hey beautiful
D~ hey
J~ I was.wondering if you would go on a date with me tomorrow.
D~ Of course.
J~ Okay cool I get you at 1:00PM.
D~Okay bye.
J~ Bye.

*end of convo*

I'm so happy I'm going on a date with the most cutest guys I ever ment. All of a sudden someone was knocking on the door. Who could it be. I opened the door and saw Carter with a angry face. He walked in my room and shut the door.

"Okay Diamond are you done now" he yelled at me "done with what?" I said very confused "making me jealous" he yelled "look Carter we're done you shouldn't be jealous I've gone a different way and the fact that you cheated made me notice that you broke my heart and I need to move on and so do you. Now if you mind I have to get my stuff ready for tomorrow because I have a date" I yelled at him. He was heart broken when he heard that. Then he just left the room and I went to sleep.

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