My...New Car?

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nobody pov

At Princeton University a boy named Angel L/n
Was stepping In front of his class to present to them his family history

Angel: sorry bout the mess, I got a lot of stuff. So-

Angel then got hit by a rubber band, throwing his arms up he looks a the culprit

Angel: we got a problem Trent

Trent: yeah your boreing me to death, and you ain't started talking nerd

Some of the class but mostly his friends laughed with him

Angel: You know What I'm sorry, I should have known that those with fewer brain cells tend to get distracted easily

The classesroom was filled with laughed a bit as Trent became upset

Trent: what you say

Teacher: alright! Enough! Mr.L/n please continue with your presentation

Angel back at Trent as he slowly sat back down quietly

Angel: like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, so for my family genology report I decided to report on my great-great-grandfather very famous man you'd love him. Captain Archibald l/n, he was very famous explorer in his time. In fact he was one of the first to explore the Arctic circle

(End at 00:21)

Angel: And as you see around here I have laid out on this desk some of his tools that he used in the 19th century. And here's one thing I keep very close to me it's my grandfather's glasses

Trent: aww you miss your grandpa

The classesroom started to laugh at him again as the teacher lifted up his stop sign

Teacher: going to sell me his liver next mr.l/n

Angel: funny, but no cuz then I be cheating you out of your money

Teacher: look smart jokes aside, mr.l/n This isn't show and tell It's the 11th grade I don't think your grandfather would be particularly proud of you advertising his things

Angel: look I'm not looking to sell them I'm just showing besides I do odd jobs so if you need me you know give me a call I take PayPal, cash app, or cold hard cash works too

Teacher: angel!

Angel: Right, right back to the story. So unfortunately for my grandpa the amazing man that he was. He wounded up going blind and crazy in the psych ward, he started drawing all these strange symbols

Angel then held up an old paper and newspaper showing the unusual symbols

Angel: Make a babbling on about some giant iceman he thought he-

Before Angel could finish bell rang so the students started to pack up their things and grab their book bags to leave class

Teacher: okay there might be a pop quiz tomorrow or there might not sleeping for you tonight.

Angel started to pack but the teacher called for him. So he waited till everyone left

Angel: so that was pretty good wasn't it

Teacher: I'd say that was a solid b minus

Angel: dude really?

Teacher: First of all I'm your teacher not your dude secondly You were hawking your great grandfather's crap in my classroom and then you almost started a fight

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