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"Did you forget?!" Nightmare snarled, "It's not like you to be mooning over some SHE-CAT." Thunder glared at him, "I'm not following your orders anymore." He hissed, whipping around and stalking away. "YOU'LL NEVER FORGET!" Nightmare shouted as he walked away.


Thunder had been overjoyed to hear that he was Storm's mentor. It gave him an excuse to spend more time with her. Meadow had just become a warrior earlier, too. After a day of battle training, he and Storm decided to sun themselves on the flat rocks in the territory, they were called Sunrocks. He listened to the soothing sound of Storm's purr.

He hoped she became a warrior soon, so he could confess his feelings to her. But, luckily, she probably would, because he heard Rosemary talking to Feather in the medidine den about Storm's future ceremony. He noticed Storm's fur was messy, "Would you like me to groom it for you?" He offered.

Storm smiled at him, "Sure, thanks." As he groomed her, his heart was beating so fast he thought it would burst right out of his chest.


"She's mine, mouse-brain." Lion hissed to him at the egde of the clearing. "She's nobody's." He retorted.

"She is. I love her, and she loves me."

"You don't know that!"

"We'll see, frog-eater."

Thunder glared at Lion as he padded away to sit next to Storm, twining tails with her. I'll be her mate. He thought. Her TRUE mate, unlike Lion.

Call to the Wild: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now