Chapter 6: Escalation

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The training room was a hive of activity. Over the past three weeks, it had become a second home to me as I continued to practice my newfound abilities. Despite the challenges, I had made significant progress with my Level 1 skill, Temporal Inversion. I could now reverse most attacks before they hit me, though mastering the skill still demanded intense focus and quick reflexes.

Today, I found myself in a quieter corner of the facility with Leena and Dr. Ward. The sun filtered through the large windows, casting a warm glow over the room's metallic surfaces. The hum of distant conversations and the clatter of training echoed around us as we sat together, discussing my training.

Leena, seated across from me, was brimming with enthusiasm. Her auburn hair glinted in the sunlight as she leaned forward, eyes bright with curiosity. "Erina, your progress with Temporal Inversion has been amazing! I watched you earlier, and you reversed that projectile before it even got close. How do you feel?"

I smiled, appreciating her excitement. "It's been intense, but I'm getting the hang of it. It's like I can sense the attack coming just a moment before it happens, and then I can sort of... rewind it."

Dr. Ward, who had been reviewing notes on his tablet, looked up and adjusted his glasses. His expression was a mixture of pride and concern. "Your progress is indeed remarkable, Erina. Quantum manipulation is incredibly rare and complex. The fact that you're adapting so quickly suggests a natural aptitude, but we need to be cautious."

I nodded, feeling a mix of satisfaction and apprehension. "I understand. It's just... overwhelming sometimes. And I still can't figure out how to activate my Level 2 skill, Tempus Exsilium, consistently. It only happens when I'm in danger."

Leena tapped her chin thoughtfully. "That makes sense, given the nature of your abilities. They seem to be reactive, tied to your survival instinct. But maybe with more practice and controlled exposure to different scenarios, you can gain better control."

Dr. Ward interjected, his tone becoming more serious. "Speaking of your abilities, there's something important we need to discuss about your lineage, Erina. I've been looking into your family history, and it appears that—"

Before he could finish, a loud, crackling noise erupted from the center of the training area. We turned in unison to see a bright, shimmering light forming, distorting the air around it. A figure began to materialize, surrounded by an aura of searing energy.

My heart skipped a beat as I recognized Xilon. His presence was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. The room seemed to darken, and the air grew heavy with an oppressive heat. Gasps and murmurs spread among the trainees as they backed away in fear.

"Erina Yumo," Xilon's voice rang out, resonating with an eerie power. "And her companions. I've come to see your progress."

The room fell silent, all eyes on Xilon as he floated above the ground, his long red hair flowing around him like tendrils of fire. His eyes locked onto mine, a predatory gleam in them that made my skin crawl.

I stood, trying to keep my voice steady despite the growing fear in my chest. "What do you want, Xilon?"

Xilon's gaze swept over the trainees, who stood frozen in place, unsure whether to run or stay. "Your training has caught my interest, Erina. You show promise. But your allegiance remains... uncertain."

Before I could respond, Xilon extended his hand, and a wave of energy shot out toward a group of trainees. They scattered, but one of them, a young woman named Maia, was too slow. The energy blast hit her, knocking her to the ground with a cry of pain.

"Stop it!" I shouted, stepping forward instinctively.

Xilon's smile widened, and he directed another blast at me. I reacted instinctively, calling out, "Temporal Inversion!" The blast reversed just before it reached me, dissipating harmlessly into the air.

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