Chapter 9: Unearthed Truths

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It was late, and the quiet hum of the medical equipment in my room was almost soothing. I had drifted into a light sleep, my body still weary from the day's exertions.

A sudden, brilliant flash of light pierced the darkness, wrenching me from my slumber. My eyes snapped open, heart racing, and there, materializing by my bedside, was Xilon. His form shimmered briefly before solidifying, his intense gaze fixed on me.

Instinctively, I readied myself, the name of my skill forming on my lips. "Finite Voi—"

"Stop." Xilon's voice was calm but commanding, and he held up a hand, the air around it shimmering with restrained energy.

I hesitated, my breath catching in my throat. The raw power radiating from him was palpable, and I knew that even with my newfound abilities, I was no match for him.

"What do you want?" I demanded, my voice steady despite the fear thrumming through my veins.

Xilon lowered his hand, his expression a mix of curiosity and something resembling respect. "You've come far, Erina. Farther than I anticipated. But you must understand, your power, impressive as it may be, pales in comparison to what I am capable of."

I clenched my fists, resisting the urge to lash out. "Why are you here? What do you want from me?"

He moved closer, his presence overwhelming. "I came to offer you clarity, to help you understand the true nature of your abilities and the Mophorsinnite that flows within you."

"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice softer now, tinged with a reluctant curiosity.

Xilon's eyes glowed faintly as he began to speak. "The Elrandium; as you all on earth call it Mopphorsinnite, is the substance that now empowers you, is not of Earth. It was placed in your oceans centuries ago by the Elrandi."

I stared at him, shock rendering me speechless. "The Elrandi? They put it there?"

He nodded, his expression inscrutable. "Yes. The Elrandi are a civilization of unparalleled power and sophistication. The Mophorsinnite is a remnant of their technology, a living substance with properties beyond your comprehension."

"But why? Why would they leave it here?" I asked, struggling to wrap my mind around his words.

Xilon's gaze intensified. "The Elrandi left it as a test, a way to gauge the potential of developing worlds. Those who could harness its power were deemed worthy of contact, possibly even integration into the Elrandi Empire."

I swallowed hard, my thoughts racing. "And what does that have to do with me?"

A faint smile tugged at Xilon's lips. "You, Erina, are unique. The Mophorsinnite did not merely integrate with your body; it fused with your very essence. This makes you unlike any other human."

I shook my head, trying to make sense of it all. "But why me? I'm not... I'm not special."

Xilon's eyes softened slightly, and for a moment, he almost seemed sympathetic. "You are special, Erina, because the Elrandium recognized something within you—a potential that it has been nurturing for generations."

A cold realization washed over me. "My great-grandfather... he was one of the first to receive the augmentation, but it failed. Is that why I have this... this power?"

Xilon nodded. "Indeed. The Elrandium bonded with his DNA and has been passed down through your family line. You are the culmination of that legacy."

I felt a shiver run down my spine. "So, what does that make me? Am I... like the Elrandi?"

Xilon shook his head. "Not exactly. The Elrandi are beings of pure Elrand...Mophorsinnite. They are born from it, shaped by it. You, on the other hand, are still human. But you carry a piece of their essence within you."

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