Chapter 211

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A/N: Disclaimer to anyone who reads this in the future that Thunderbolts hasn't come out yet/isn't coming out any time soon so we know nothing about Antonia's personality and I'm totally winging it rn

Everything works out in the end.

They let the Russian government take Dreykov in exchange for letting the Widows go unpunished and Alexei go free. Alexei and Melina are shacking it up at her place (something Natasha would rather not think too much about), and Yelena and Antonia are temporarily relocating to the compound, just long enough to get back on their feet. Everyone gets to live happily ever after.

It does kind of suck that she didn't get to kill Dreykov, but at least justice is served. She'll take what she can get.

She stays with Antonia throughout the flight back. The poor girl hasn't spoken another word since she learned that she was free, and Natasha's worried about her.

More than that, though, Natasha feels guilty. This is her fault. Dreykov was never going to involve her in this mess until Natasha nearly killed her, years and years and years ago. She did this to her. She can't take it back now, but she can keep an eye on her; can help set her up to lead some semblance of a normal life after all the hell she's been through. It's the least she can do.

The Quinjet lands outside the compound, and Natasha murmurs a quiet, "Come on," gesturing for Antonia to follow her. She can sleep in a guest room tonight.

Antonia follows her without a word, and the others trail behind her – all going their own ways, she assumes. They've had enough quality time together for today.

And then Wanda appears, which puts a slight smile on Natasha's face. It's always nice to see Wanda.

Wanda gives Yelena a small wave. "I was wondering if you were going to come back."

"I am not staying long," Yelena tells her, and Natasha fights the urge to roll her eyes. She opened up her home for her, and this is what she gets for it. She knows her sister doesn't want to stay here any longer than she has to, but does she have to be so loud about it? Poor Wanda's just trying to be nice.

Still. Wanda doesn't seem all too put off by that. "Well, it's nice to see you again," she says. Then she turns her attention to Antonia, and she gives Natasha by her side a strange look. "Who's this?"

Natasha gives the girl a moment to answer, but when she doesn't, Natasha answers for her. "Antonia Dreykov," she says. "She needed someplace to stay while she gets back on her feet, so..." She shrugs. It's admittedly a very oversimplified version of events, but she doesn't need to spill the poor girl's life story right now – and just saying her last name likely gives much of it away.

Wanda gives her a smile. "It's nice to meet you, Antonia."

Antonia responds with just a nod.

"And the Red Room?" Wanda asks. "That's...?"

"Gone," Natasha answers. "For real, this time."

"Good," Wanda says; a simple, succinct answer that fits the situation perfectly.

With that settled, Natasha says, "I'm going to take Antonia to one of the guest rooms and then head to bed. I'll see you in the morning."

"Goodnight," Wanda says; then, to those who stand behind her, "Goodnight, guys."

Pietro gives her a pointed look. "You better not be going to bed yet," he says. "I have too much to tell you – after I take a shower."

Wanda cracks a smile – the most genuine smile she's worn during this conversation, but with Pietro here, that's no surprise. "Yes, please do," she says. "Do not stink up our room."

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