Chapter 1: The Echo of the Hammer

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Chapter 1: The Echo of the Hammer

In a small village on the floating island of Kalindor, the blacksmith's workshop echoed with the steady rhythm of hammer strikes as *Lyndon*, a young man in his mid-twenties, shaped a sword from cold steel. Sweat dripped from his brow, and the flames flickered around the glowing metal as he worked with precision. To him, it seemed like just another day in the life of a humble blacksmith.

But with each strike on the sword, Lyndon felt something strange. The familiar sound of the hammer against the anvil began to resonate differently in his ears. It wasn’t just the usual echo—there was something more, a faint whisper coming from deep within the metal itself.

Lyndon paused, uncertain whether to be afraid or intrigued. He lifted the sword, staring at its polished surface as it reflected the flickering light of the forge. In that moment, he sensed something new. The sword seemed to emit a faint warmth, and with it came a strange sensation, as if the blade carried memories within it—echoes of lives, emotions, and intentions that had once belonged to others.

“What is this?” Lyndon murmured to himself, gripping the sword tightly. This was unlike anything he had ever experienced, and he knew it wasn’t just fatigue or his imagination. Something deeper was at play, something he couldn’t yet understand.

As Lyndon stood there, lost in thought, his younger sister *Ella* entered the workshop. Sixteen years old, with light brown hair and bright blue eyes, she always brought a cheerful presence to the room.

“Lyndon, have you finished the sword?” she asked, noticing the look of unease on his face.

Lyndon nodded slowly, trying to hide his confusion. "Yes, it’s almost done. But there’s something strange about it... I can’t explain what."

Ella smiled, unaware of his inner turmoil. "Maybe you just need some rest. You’ve been working hard all day."

Lyndon forced a smile, attempting to downplay his concern. "Maybe. I think I’ll close up for today."

But even as he shut down the workshop, Lyndon couldn’t shake the sound, the echoes that lingered in his mind. He knew this was more than just exhaustion or imagination. There was a mystery in that sound, something that called out to him, demanding to be understood.

As night fell and he lay in bed, Lyndon’s thoughts churned. Where were these sounds coming from? And what did they mean? He had no answers, but deep inside, he felt these echoes were part of something far greater, something that could change his life forever.

In that quiet moment, as sleep began to claim him, Lyndon made a decision. He would seek out the truth behind these echoes. This was the beginning of a journey—one that would lead him to uncover secrets of the past and the future, and to discover a power he never knew he possessed.

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