Blazing Resolve: The Fire Withinby Koji-Aka
Kyō Rengoku, a young warrior with golden hair and a burning spirit, carries the legacy of a family renowned for their flame-wielding prowess. Armed with his katana, Flam...
Sonic: The Fastest Hero in Parisby Lele
Title: Sonic: The Fastest Hero in Paris
Summary: In an unexpected twist of fate, Sonic the Hedgehog, after a chaotic misadventure in space, crash-lands into Paris and me...
When Stars Align * PaVellanby Wrxngl3r
Rasha Lavellan didn't ask to be the Herald of Andraste, let alone the Inquisitor-he just wanted to be left alone with his magic, his clan, and maybe a little peace for a...
Kalki: The Last Avatarby Soham Budhakar
"Kalki: The Last Avatar" is a thrilling tale set in a world on the verge of destruction, consumed by greed and corruption. As Kali Purush spreads chaos, a prop...
Star Wars: Stranded in a Magical W...by HuntedAcolyte
When former Jedi guardian Ryu Chikara's ship crash-lands on a mysterious planet unlike any he's ever known, he finds himself far from the galaxy's conflicts-but no close...
RENG-E is an intense sci-fi action thriller set on the futuristic planet Nepler, where the nation of Dorar is divided into 24 unique sectors. The story follows four hero...
Title: Escape and Rebirth: The Chr...by Lele
Title: Escape and Rebirth: The Chronicles of Marcel Dupain-Cheng
Norman, the brilliant strategist from The Promised Neverland, escapes the horrors of the Lambda...
Bound by Darkness: the legend of L...by Drop Stone 46
In a realm threatened by the malevolent Calamity, follow the extraordinary love story of Link, a hero cursed with a devilish transformation, and Mipha, a Zora princess g...
The Curse of Thornsby Rashmi
Princess Briar Rose believed her 'happily ever after' had come when the sleeping curse was broken. Her kingdom was awakened, and she reclaimed her freedom. But soon she...
The Jadelings Journey by Criminally Honest
A tale of dragons. One hundred years ago, grave mistakes were made and many lives were lost. Now, there's a chance at redemption. But at what cost?
THE DELIVERYby rishi mehta
Rishi isn't your average delivery boy-he's the fastest, boldest, and most fearless. But when a mysterious package from a war-torn nation lands on his desk, even he begin...
Blade of the Demon Huntby ansonxie
In this world of hunters and the hunted,
To survive, one must grow stronger.
Will you become a hunter of demons,
Or merely the prey of these fiends?
Everything depends s...
Threads of Fateby LaRone Writing
In a world shaped by mana, where kingdoms rise and fall, and magic both corrupts and empowers, the destinies of ordinary people and legendary figures are woven together...
"Leader of Legends"by Dreamer
"The Leader of the Fianna"
In ancient Ireland, young Finn rises from obscurity to reclaim his birthright as leader of the legendary Fianna, elite warriors who...
Echoes of the Crystal by Rina
Skylar, Mina, and Arcane are on a dangerous mission to save their kingdom. They must find a magical crystal to stop a terrible curse.
Their journey takes them to a dark...
The Rise of Kai: Triumph over Dark...by Silly Billy
Crystal Quest follows the journey of Kai, a young and ambitious warrior seeking to unlock the secrets of the crystal arts. Armed with a powerful white crystal, Kai sets...
Wings of Destinyby BBLGUM_STUDIOS
Saffron is a young dragon struggling to find her place in her clan. She longs to be accepted by her peers and to prove herself to her elders, but she can't seem to shake...
**"The Demon Hunter of Eldoria"**by Rulby FNAFOG
**"The Demon Hunter of Eldoria"** follows Max, a skilled swordsman, as he battles against a rising demonic threat in a war-torn kingdom. When a powerful demon...
Demon's Doctrineby Red_Fish_Bne
A man deemed worthless and a fool, who sells his soul to the devil, what does he seek in return? Beauty? Strength? Wealth? Power? To overturn all the rules of this world...