Oh Shit (3)

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Bartys Pov 

Barty had been a nervous wreck he didn't know why he had acted like that with Sage hell he didn't understand why he was even avoiding her.

he thought about what Evan and Regulus said as he lay in his bed in their shared dorm room 

as he turned over to face the wall he shut his eyes to try to get some sleep but he couldn't  stop thinking about her and maybe his friends were right perhaps he was in love with her, but so what he was her best friend there was no chance that she would like him back 

deciding he wouldn't be getting any sleep that night, he decided to go for a walk to clear his mind, but as he got down to the common room he saw Sage asleep in one of the chairs. It appeared she had fallen asleep while studying 

Barty watched her for a moment, not creepily but just to make sure she was asleep before he picked her up bridle style and brought her to her dorm 

 he walked in, set her on her bed, and sat down in an armchair she had sitting nearby

 as he drifted off to sleep, he wondered if Evan and Regulus were right about him being in love with her 

but as he was almost asleep, he heard a voice 

"Barty what are you doing here," Sage said with a Raspy voice

"you fell asleep in the common room, so I brought you here." 

"Oh, thank you."

"no problem"

they both sat there for a minute in the dark wondering what to say next 

"I can leave if you want," Barty stated

"No, it's fine, you can, um, sleep with me if you want," she said she didn't know why it felt awkward I mean they had slept in the same bed a million times before 

"Okay," he said, slipping under the covers with her. 


Barty opened his eyes due to the sun beating down on him from her open window, for a moment he didn't know where he was but last nights events hit him like a train 

as he tried to move he felt something on him, when he looked to his right he saw Sage cuddled up next to him 

"Oh shit" he mumbled realizing that Evan and Barty were right about him.

As he stumbled out of bed he realized he was still in his pajamas  


When he got back to his dorm he noticed Evan And Regulus were already up and internally groaned 

"So where were you last night young man" Evan said as he put his hands on his hips 

"i'm also wondering were you were last night because I remember correctly you were in bed when we went to sleep" he said pointing to him and Evan 

"Oi Fuck off" Barty said annoyed at the two 

"So did you tell her" Evan asked 



"no do you want to hear it in spanish no" Barty stated pissed of at Evan

"Whatever man, you're just scared to tell her"

"No im not"

"then why haven't you told her"

"because I-I" 

"see you don't have a reasonable answer 

"Fuck off man" he said slamming the bathroom door so he could get changed 

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