After joining the Astral Express (1)

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"And this is my room!"

March 7th said as she opened the sliding door excitedly, showing the contents of her room to the new member of the Astral Express, she had just boarded the ship and the energetic March 7th is giving her a tour.

Stelle, the new Trailblazer embarked on her journey with the Express Family was not that surprised when March 7th's room is pink and colorful (mostly pink), which resembles her, and has a lot of things inside it, most notable the big Pom Pom doll laying against the window and the wall next to it, the plushie staring at the wall of photos...


March 7th goes up close to stare at Stelle's eyes, as if she was waiting for a response from her. "It looks cute." - Stelle said. "Just like you."

March 7th did not expect that. She quickly turned away and coughed, she tried not to let Stelle see that she was blushing. "Ahem."

"Oh, sorry heh..." - Stelle scratches her head and gives an awkward smile.

"Ah right, I have stuff to show you as well, and there might be something you can bring with you all the time too." - March 7th said as she immediately headed to her bed and bent down on her knees.

"Hm? What is-" - Stelle approached March with curiosity at first, about the things she mentioned.

But then she saw it.

As March bent down, and her knees touched the floor, she tried to pull out a box under her bed, what she didn't notice is her skirt was being pulled by accessories on her waist, thus revealing to Stelle her butt, and her pink panties.


"Uhh... The box it's a bit too deep here... Who pushed it there..." - March 7th is trying her best to reach the box under her bed, as it is evident from the sound of struggle in her voice.

She tried to crawl under her bed, and lowering her hip, but her butt is still visible to Stelle.

Stelle was dumbfounded, she doesn't know what to do!!!

⇒ "March, your skirt is tugged."

=> Gently help her fix her skirt

=> ???

Player chose the 3rd option

"Uh..." - Something suddenly appeared in Stelle's mind, it came so suddenly and disappeared just as fast, yet it gave her an uncomfortable feeling.

"Ah, I found it!"

Then Stelle heard something bumping under the bed.

"Ow ow ow... That hurts!"

Seems like March bumped her head, her legs twitched a bit when she bumped. That made Stelle redirect her attention back to March 7th's ass.


"Oh no, I feel... Something... What is this... feeling, it feels hot..."

Stelle wasn't sure of what she was experiencing, but that doesn't matter as the Stellaron inside her is urging her to do something about March.

"Ow... I'll... Try to pull myself out." - March said as she moved both of her legs, tried to get out.

Then she felt something, or someone, sit on her thighs, preventing her from using them to get out.

"... Uhhh... Stelle? What are you doing?"

Stelle doesn't give a response, as her mind concentrates 100% on March's cute ass.

Stelle : Path of Horni (Futa)Where stories live. Discover now