Chapter Forty

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Ariel sighed as she poured over the shipping records. Beast, to his credit, had been good as his word and had been sending the monthly records to her for her approval. Everything seemed to be in order but Ariel couldn't shake the feeling something was off.

Something had to be off. The Isle was at most a day's boat ride away from the mainland. For Neptune's sake, she could drive to the Isle. It didn't explain why the food the Isle was getting was rotten.


Ariel's head popped up upon hearing Persephone's voice. "Oh! Lady Persephone, I'm so sorry, did we have a meeting today?"

"No, not at all," Persephone said as Malionë cooed from her mother's arms. "But Eric had said you were in here pouring over records so I thought I could offer my assistance. And there's no need to use my title, we're family after all."

"You're a Goddess though."

"And you're the High Queen of Auradon. If you are determined to use my title, then I should use yours correct, Queen Ariel?"

Ariel made a slight face and shook her head. "It feels wrong hearing family call me Queen. I never imagined I'd ever hear it, being the youngest of seven sisters."

"And it feels wrong to have any family member call me 'Lady'," Persephone said with a small smile. "Now then, how can I help?"

"I'm going over the shipping records to the Isle," Ariel explained. "I want to get started making improvements but Eric pointed out that we could make all the improvements in the world and it wouldn't make a lick of difference if the food situation wasn't resolved. Speaking of food, would you like something? Or I'm sure Carlotta would be happy to take Malionë to spend time with Elle—?"

"While the offer is appreciated, Ariel, it's not necessary," Persephone said as Malionë continued to coo in her arms. "I'm fine for now and while I'm sure Carlotta would take excellent care of my daughter...i'd rather not have her out of my arms if I don't have to."

Ariel gave Persephone a small smile. "I completely understand, I was the same way once Elle had finished her surgeries."

"How is she doing by the way? I feel terrible that I haven't asked yet."

"Persephone, you've been dealing with your own dilemma," Ariel said and then sighed. "She's doing...well as well as can be expected. The doctors were able to separate her legs but she'll never fully walk. My father and grandfather blessed her with the trident, though, so she'll be able to swim."

"That's good though right?" Persephone asked.

"Oh of course," Ariel nodded. "I I a bad mother that I was more happy about the swimming than I was disappointed about the wheelchair my daughter will now have to be in?"

Persephone shook her head. "Of course not. You were happy that your daughter will get the chance to be with her family when you go to the ocean. That's nothing to be ashamed about Ariel."

"You're sure?" Ariel asked.

"Ariel, would I tell you otherwise?" Persephone asked and smiled as Ariel shook her head. "Then don't worry okay? You could never be a bad mother if you're happy that your daughter won't be singled out by your family by not being able to swim."

"I guess I didn't think about it that way," Ariel told her. "It's a lot more reassuring when you look at it like that."

Persephone gave the younger woman a kind smile before taking one of the shipping records from her. She tilted her head as she looked at the record."Hmm...that's odd."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02 ⏰

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