Chapter 14: Fractured Trust

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The following morning dawned grey and heavy, the sky cloaked in a blanket of ominous clouds that mirrored Emma's unsettled state. She awoke with a lingering sense of dread, the nightmares from the previous night still clinging to her consciousness like a stubborn shadow. The journal she had found in the chapel weighed heavily in her mind, its revelations pushing her closer to the edge of sanity.

As Emma prepared for the day, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong. Her reflection in the mirror seemed distorted, her eyes hollow and haunted. Every glance reminded her of the fragments she was desperately trying to piece together—memories of Lakewood, the mysterious messages, and now, the recent murder that had shaken the campus to its core.

She grabbed her phone, hoping for some semblance of normalcy in the routine of checking messages and notifications. Instead, her screen was flooded with missed calls and voicemails from her parents, each one more urgent than the last. Her heart raced as she listened to the latest message.

"Emma, where are you? We're really worried about you. Please call us back."

Before she could respond, the shrill sound of sirens pierced the morning calm. Emma's stomach lurched as she peeked out her window to see several police cars and an ambulance converging on the campus. The sight sent a wave of panic through her. What was happening?

She rushed downstairs, her mind racing with questions. As she reached the front steps, a uniformed officer approached her, his expression stern and accusatory.

"Emma Reynolds?" he called out, his voice devoid of warmth.

"Yes, that's me," she replied, her voice trembling.

The officer held up a badge, his eyes scanning her face with suspicion. "You need to come with us. We have some questions regarding the recent murder."

Emma's heart pounded in her chest. "What? I-I don't understand. I wasn't involved in anything."

Another officer stepped forward, his demeanour more sympathetic but equally firm. "We have reason to believe you might be connected to the crime. We need to ask you some questions."

"No, you've got it all wrong. I'm being framed or something. Please, you have to believe me," Emma pleaded, backing away from them.

But the officers were insistent. They placed her hands behind her back, the cold metal of the handcuffs clicking shut around her wrists. Emma struggled, desperation fuelling her actions. "You have to believe me! I'm not the killer!"

As they escorted her towards the squad car, Emma's mind raced. How could they think she was involved? She had been trying to uncover the truth about the murders, not committing them. Her only connection to the victims was her own haunted past, which she had hoped was unrelated to the present horrors.

Inside the patrol car, the doors slammed shut, trapping her in a confined space with the officers glaring at her. Emma's vision blurred with tears as she tried to explain, her words tumbling over each other in a futile attempt to make sense.

"We need you to come down to the station for further questioning," the lead officer stated, his tone leaving no room for negotiation.

"No, please," Emma begged. "You have to check my alibi. I was at Dr. Lawson's office yesterday, trying to remember what happened at Lakewood. I found my old journal in the chapel. It's all connected, I swear."

The officers exchanged sceptical glances, but the lead officer remained unmoved. "We have evidence that links you to the scene. It's best if you cooperate."

As the car sped away from the campus, Emma's mind was a whirlwind of fear and confusion. She had to find a way to prove her innocence, but how? The journal, the messages, the fragmented memories—they were her only clues, but she had no one to turn to. Lily had already gone into hiding with her, and the police were now hunting her down.

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