If you're reading this book, DO NOT SKIP this part or LEAVE. First, I need to review some things with y'all.
- First, these are MY story ideas. I have this book up so that I know what to upload next! This will also review MY future, upcoming stories!
- Second, if you ask for a story idea, I must get THREE out of FIVE things. Check my 'Payments' list for more. If you already have asked and/or taken an idea, these payments MUST be given in 7 days. If they aren't, you WILL be BLACKLISTED!
- Third, please ASK before taking an idea! Don't say something like, "I have chosen this one" or "I have come to pick this one up."
- Fourth, don't be a PIG about it! Speak up and ask with a good manner. Complete my payments to have an idea.
Thank you for reading.
My Story Ideas (COMPLETE) ✅
Random(Complete) These are story ideas that I'll be using in the future.