tokyo drift IV

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As the elevator doors slid open, a gust of frigid air rushed in, wrapping around [Name] like an unwelcome embrace. Her breath misted in the chill, and she instinctively pulled her shoulders in, shivering against the icy bite.

Without a word, Bakugo draped his jacket over her, the fabric warm and heavy against her skin-a stark contrast to the cold. The jacket smelled faintly of caramel vapor and his cologne, taking it all in like a warm blanket.

Bakugo didn't say anything, just offered her a sly smirk before stepping out of the elevator. The gesture left [Name] momentarily puzzled—he didn't exactly seem the type for subtle kindness.

As he walked ahead, the dim light of the parking deck accentuated his figure. She had always known he was built—his broad shoulders were obvious even beneath his jacket—but now, seeing him in a fitted black tee, his muscles stood out, each one defined like a sculptor's masterpiece carved from marble.

He had the face and the body—the perfect combination to a T. It made her wonder if he had a girlfriend or was just too caught up in his world to bother with one.

Either way, she couldn't let herself get caught up with him. Who knows, maybe this was just a once-in-a-lifetime meeting, and she might never see him again. Or so she thought.

As she observed Bakugo more closely, her eyes were drawn to a tattoo spiraling down his arm, partially obscured by the fabric of his fitted black shirt. It looked like the tail of a dragon, and she guessed that the full tattoo must be massive.

The glimpse only deepened her curiosity about him, even as she tried to keep her thoughts focused on the present moment.

[Name] listlessly followed Bakugo through the parking deck, pulling the jacket tighter around her to fend off the cold and shield herself from the catcalls and taunts that echoed from the men lingering nearby. Each whistle and lewd comment made her cringe inwardly, but she chose to ignore them.

"Stay close," Bakugo said gruffly, glancing over his shoulder as he noticed the attention [Name] was attracting from the men around the deck.

Without a second thought, [Name] quickened her pace, falling into step beside him. She kept close but not too close, just enough to stay out of reach yet near enough to feel a bit of comfort.

Honestly, she began to contemplate that she might need to get used to this kind of attention, especially since tonight had been her public debut. Her face was now known, and she couldn't help but wonder why no paparazzi had followed her here. She shrugged off the thought, glad that they weren't around.

The walk was silent between the two with only the click of her heels echoing around them and low grumbles that Bakugo made towards the people around, giving them death glares in the process. [Name] shook her head, a dismissive smile plastered on her face as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

From the distance, [Name] finally was able to get a view of Shoto who was casually lounging by his Supra, while Midoriya stands with his arms crossed, nodding his head in response to what Shoto is saying. Both of their expressions are stern and serious, as if the conversation is particularly weighty or important.

She picked up her pace, the click of her heels growing louder and more insistent, catching the attention of the two men. Shoto's stoic demeanor barely concealed his simmering frustration, while Midoriya watched with a knowing smile.

As [Name] approached Shoto, she buried her hands deep within Bakugo's jacket, her shoulders dropping as she let out a deep sigh. Bakugo's scowl deepened as he came up beside her, clearly irritated at the sight of the two men.

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