yeah so something strange happened

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so i was walking my dog when suddenly kopaka himself flew down with his kopakafly wings and beat the ever living shit out of me and then stole my dog and shoved meth into my nose i got high as fuck. and then i was walking absolutely fucking out of it. like i was in a different world mate. like i saw my mom get with santa claus it was crazy and my dad was crying anyways back to story. i was walking high as hell when master chief himself ran me over and then proceeded to bash my head in with the gravity hammer then doom slayer showed up with that fucking sword and tag teamed my ass.. so then i'm the hospital my arm is missing and shit when the doctor says "it was a miracle! you were blind but now we made you see!! so that will be 700K dollars. cash or card?" then they shoved a stick in my eyes. so i go to a burger king and my card gets declined and i had to get a new one. yeah crazy stuff

So yeah something crazy happenedWhere stories live. Discover now