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The purpose of this section is to share some insights into the land of Mirador and its characters. This section will be updated regularly with each new chapter posted and will soon include a map of Mirador as well.Lira: /ˈlɪrə/
Li: /ˈlɪ/ (sounds like "lee," with a short "i" as in "lid")ra: /rə/ (a soft, unstressed "ruh" sound, like the "a" in "sofa")
Kaelirath: /ˈkaɪˌlɪərˌæθ/Kael: /kaɪl/ (rhymes with "smile")ir: /lɪər/ (sounds like "leer" but with a soft "i" as in "bit")ath: /æθ/ (sounds like "math" without the "m")
Elandra: /ɪˈlændrə/
E: /ɪ/ (sounds like the "i" in "bit")lan: /lænd/ (rhymes with "hand," with a soft "a" as in "cat")dra: /drə/ (sounds like "druh," with a soft "a" as in "sofa")
Eryndor: /ˈɛrɪndɔr/
E: /ɛ/ (sounds like the "e" in "bed")ryn: /rɪn/ (rhymes with "pin," with a short "i" sound)dor: /dɔr/ (sounds like "door," with a slightly rounded "o" as in "more")
Aelorians: /ˌeɪləˈrɪənz/
Ael: /eɪl/ (sounds like "ale," with a long "a" as in "day")o: /ə/ (schwa sound, like the "a" in "sofa")ri: /rɪ/ (sounds like "ree," with a short "i" as in "sit")ans: /ənz/ (sounds like "unz," with a soft "a" like in "sofa" and ending with a "z")
Alarion: /əˈlɑːriən/
A: /ə/ (a soft, unstressed "uh" sound, like the "a" in "sofa")lar: /ˈlɑːr/ (sounds like "lahr," with a long "a" as in "car")ion: /iən/ (sounds like "ee-uhn," with a long "e" as in "see" and a soft "uh" sound)
Sylvara: /sɪlˈvɑːrə/
Syl: /sɪl/ (sounds like "sil," with a short "i" as in "sit")var: /ˈvɑːr/ (sounds like "var," with a long "a" as in "car")a: /ə/ (a soft, unstressed "uh" sound, like the "a" in "sofa")
Ignari: /ɪɡˈnɑːri/
Ig: /ɪɡ/ (sounds like "ig" in "ignore," with a short "i" sound)na: /ˈnɑː/ (sounds like "na" in "narcotic," with a long "a" as in "car")ri: /ri/ (sounds like "ree" in "reef," with a long "e" sound)
Sylphs: /sɪlfs/
Syl: /sɪl/ (sounds like "sill," with a short "i" as in "sit")phs: /fs/ (sounds like "f" followed by "s," with a soft "p" blending into the "s")
Mirador: /ˌmɪrəˈdɔːr/
Mir: /ˈmɪr/ (sounds like "mire," with a short "i" as in "sit")a: /ə/ (a soft, unstressed "uh" sound, like the "a" in "sofa")dor: /ˈdɔːr/ (sounds like "door," with a long "o" as in "more")
Arion: /ˈærɪən/
Ar: /ˈær/ (sounds like "air" but with a softer "a," as in "fair")i: /ɪ/ (a short "i" sound, like the "i" in "bit")on: /ən/ (a soft "uhn" sound, similar to the "a" in "sofa")
Drakthal: /ˈdrækθæl/
Drak: /dræk/ (sounds like "drac" in "dracula," with a short "a" as in "cat")thal: /θæl/ (sounds like "thal" in "thalassemia," with a soft "th" as in "think" and a short "a" as in "cat")
The Last Arcane Heir
FantasyIn a realm where magic is tightly controlled by a ruthless monarchy, a young woman named Lira discovers she has an ancient form of magic that was thought to be extinct. As she struggles to control her newfound powers, she becomes the target of both...