Match's life story

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This is really random but I was bored so I wrote a little story

This is really random but I was bored so I wrote a little story

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"So like, I woke up, and like, everything was blurry

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"So like, I woke up, and like, everything was blurry. I quickly learned to walk in like, 3 seconds because I'm like, so superior. I like, went to a McDonalds, and like ordered a chicken burrito with extra hot sauce!!! After like, a BUNCH of arguing they like gave me my burrito! It like, had meat and cheese and bread all put together! They forgot my like, hot sauce though.
Then, they like, asked me to pay and I didn't have any pickles so I ran away! It was so fun. I walked across the like, street and people like stopped their cars and made this like, loud noise. They were cheering for me! Yay!!
Soon, I found myself at the like, campfire and someone like, picked me up and like, scratched my head off!!! Grr! I like, screamed and then they like screamed, and like, dropped me. I told them that hurt and they ran away and jumped off a cliff. Gross.

Timeskip 2,763 years and like, I was laying in the grass and I saw a like, silhouette and it was scary. I ran into the Burger King across the street and it followed me. I quickly ordered some like, fries and then a giant green booger stole it. Rude!
The red thing behind the counter was scary and had a grey thing that looked like it would be used to cut off an arm. It told me no refunds and I walked over to the green booger and like, punched it. It was like, no use though because my hand just got stuck in the like, boogers."

I'll probably make more of these lol

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