truth untold | bts

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in a cast away town
bloomed a garden
outside my castle
the iron gates
kept me locked

where do you come from
why did u stop here
oh could you tell me?
i saw your state
my garden

and i know
all of your
kindness and sincerity
pining me to be your friend
holding out my hand

i'm bound to my fate
don't smile on me
light on me
its riskier for us all the more i crave
its hopeless even if you call my name

post chorus
you know that i can't
show you me
give you me
disgusted i know that you will run away
thus i wear a mask to cover my face
but i still want you

so then i decided
to make you a flower
wanting to give you
fondly, i crafted a pretty smeraldo

pre chorus
but i know that i can't
show you that i'm hideous
i could never and so i
won't take off my mask

i'm insecure and
im so ashamed
i'm so afraid
horrified you will leave me alone again
thus i wear a mask to cover my face.

post chorus
what i can do is
in this town
in this garden
i can bloom as many flowers as want
anything so long as you don't know me

pre chorus
you've faded away
the monster is alone again
maybe if sooner i'd gotten the courage
i wonder if there would be any change

i'm crying out now
you've disappeared
my deepest fear
on your absence could've never been truer
maybe you wouldn't have mind the monster

And I still want you 
But I still want you 
But I still want you 
And I still want you


my take on a song so beautiful that my writing could never parallel 

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