Part one

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Glam trudged through the rain, feeling numb. What would he do? The real question was 'what' would he do? Where would he go? Since he was kicked out, he had no where to go. Only one person came to mind..his best friend. His only friend.


Surely ches wouldn't mind him staying for a little. After walking in the rain for a bit, he finally came into view of the shitty trailer park. Walking up to the door, he hesitated to knock. Before he could, ches's voice rang through the silence.


Glam was startled by the sudden yelling, but he knew it was normal for ches's house. He waited a few moments, and sure enough, the door opened with a slam.


Ches's eyes widened as he almost ran into glam.

"Glam? What are you doing up? Isn't practice tomorrow or something..?"

Glam tried to speak but words wouldn't come. As he blocked the rain from his face, Ches realized it wasn't rain falling, but tears.

"Woah man- are you alright? Here- come on inside out of the rain-"

Glam nodded and stepped up into the trailer. The familiar smell of cigarettes and alcohol hit his nose, and it was almost comforting. Ches took off his jacket and put it around his shoulders, leading glam to his room.

"Look dude..we don't have to talk about it right now, if you don't wanna."

Glam sat on the bed, staring off into space. He shivered, the cold feeling just now starting to hit him. Noticing this, ches snapped his fingers and went over to his dresser, grabbing a change of clothes.

"Here man, you must be freezing your ass off-"

Ches set the change of clothes down next to glam and patted them.

"I'll let you get changed, then we can talk."

Smiling, ches walked over to the door and closed it. He gave a stupid wave right before going out of sight. Glam took the clothes and changed into them, his hands slightly shaking. God, he didn't deserve ches. No questions were even asked, he just let him in, gave him new clothes, didn't force him to talk about things. After a while, ches opened the door, peeking in.

" good? You wanna talk about anything?"

Glam opened his mouth a bit, but the lump in his throat came back immediately. He shook his head a little, clenching his knuckles until they almost turned white. Ches noticed glam's hands and crouched on the floor, putting his hand on glam's.

"Hey, you're shaking—here uhh..oh! I've got the perfect thing to calm you down-"

Ches grabbed his guitar from the corner of his room and flopped on the bed next to glam. Glam almost lost his balance, but ches grabbed his arm to steady him.

"Ahem. Prepare to be serenaded by yours truly~"

Ches made a stupid flirty face and glam couldn't help but smile a little.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03 ⏰

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