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Scar and Dan were deep in sleep after their late movie night, wrapped up in the comfort of their shared bed. The sudden, piercing ring of the phone shattered the tranquility of their rest. Scarlet's eyes snapped open, her heart racing as she reached out to answer the call, her voice thick with sleep.

"Hello?" she mumbled groggily, trying to shake off the haze of dreams.

The voice on the other end was calm but edged with an unsettling urgency. "Scarlet, Dan. Wake up. There's a new assignment."

Dan, now awake, propped himself up on one elbow, his expression shifting from confusion to focus. "What's the target?"

The voice remained cold and detached. "A famous ballerina. She'll be performing at a high-profile concert tonight. You need to be there."

Scarlet sat up, her mind racing as she tried to grasp the implications. "And what's the plan?"

"There isn't one," the voice responded bluntly. "You have to figure it out on your own." The call ended abruptly, leaving an oppressive silence in the room. Scarlet and Dan exchanged worried glances, the weight of the task settling heavily on their shoulders. The lack of a detailed plan meant they would have to rely on their instincts and adaptability.

Dan swung his legs over the side of the bed, rubbing his face to clear the sleep. "Alright, we need to get moving. Let's figure out how we're going to handle this."

Scarlet nodded, still trying to shake off the grogginess. "I'll start working on the details. We need to get into the venue without drawing attention. We'll need to improvise."

Dan went to prepare breakfast while Scarlet handled the technical aspects of their mission. As he busied himself with cooking, he glanced over the kitchen counter at her.

"Found anything interesting?" Dan asked, his voice carrying a casual curiosity.

Scarlet, her eyes glued to her laptop, didn't look up immediately. "Yeah, actually. I've got some key details on our target. Lila Dubois, the ballerina. She's performing at tonight's gala concert."

Dan flipped a pancake with a practiced hand. "Anything on her security or personal habits?"

Scarlet's fingers danced over the keyboard as she responded. "The security is tight—full scans at the entrance, multiple cameras, and a private security team. But there's a break during the performance where she goes to her private dressing room."

Dan raised an eyebrow. "That's our chance then. If we can get to the dressing room during the break, we might have our shot."

Scarlet nodded, eyes scanning the screen. "Right. I've got the theater's blueprints. The dressing room has a standard lock—nothing too complicated to bypass."

Dan set a stack of pancakes on a plate and slid it toward her. "Nice. I'll handle the entry and exit strategy. You rig up some diversions for the guards?"

Scarlet took a bite of her breakfast, her mind already running through the plan. "Exactly. I'll set up a few distractions to draw the guards away from the dressing room."

Dan poured syrup over his pancakes, a smirk playing on his lips. "Sounds like a plan. Here's to another successful night. Eat up; we've got a lot of work to do."

Scarlet looked up, a determined glint in her eyes. "Got it. Let's make sure this job goes smoothly."

The twins slipped into the grand hall, their synchronized footsteps creating a rhythmic echo on the polished marble floor. Scarlet, in her sleek black heels, and Dan, in his dark leather boots, moved with practiced ease, their presence almost blending with the evening's sophisticated ambiance.

They chose a corner of the hall, a strategic vantage point that allowed them to survey the entire room while remaining unobtrusive. The glittering chandeliers cast a soft glow over the guests, whose elegant attire contrasted sharply with the twins' purposeful, almost predatory demeanor.

Scarlet leaned against the wall, her eyes scanning the room for any sign of their target. The bustling crowd, immersed in pre-show chatter, presented both an advantage and a challenge. They would need to be quick, moving seamlessly through the throng to execute their plan.

Dan settled into a nearby chair, his gaze sweeping over the crowd with a keen, analytical edge. "Remember, we've got a tight window during the intermission. Once she heads to her dressing room, we move in."

Scarlet nodded, her fingers subtly adjusting the earpiece that kept them connected. "Got it. I'll monitor the security feeds and signal you when she's on the move. You focus on keeping an eye out for any unexpected interruptions."

Dan's eyes flickered with a hint of amusement. "And if anyone tries to get in our way, they'll wish they hadn't."

Scarlet smirked, her attention still fixed on the stage as the orchestra began to warm up. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that. The last thing we need is extra attention."

As the lights dimmed and the performance began, the twins' focus sharpened. The audience was captivated by the elegance of the ballet, their collective gaze fixed on the stage. For Scarlet and Dan, however, the real performance was happening behind the scenes.

Scarlet's gaze never wavered from the security monitors discreetly installed around the hall. Her eyes flicked between the feeds, searching for any sign of Lila Dubois preparing for her break. Dan, meanwhile, kept his attention split between the crowd and their planned escape route, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.

The minutes ticked by, each second a measured step in their meticulously planned operation. The intermission approached, bringing with it the critical moment they had been waiting for. As the lights began to brighten and the audience started to stir, Scarlet's signal came through clear and urgent.

"She's heading to the dressing room. Move now."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15 ⏰

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