Chapter 1- Chief (K) page 1

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Kaden sits on a wooden log moss and grass in the once brown carpet. The room was red. Red was a nice red bed it was loud for the dark world they now were forced to live in covered in the moss and grass and infected monsters they once knew as humans. Kaden holds. A pistol a black metal pistol it was rare to see a gun where Kaden is from guns are forbidden almost as if they were evil or wrong to use, his finger trails the details of the weapon so much focus so much focus footsteps approach the room Kaden was in he looks up to see Cedrick standing in the doorframe a tall blonde white man with a whole gray outfit in hand a metal bar "you find anything...woah what's that!?" Cedrick says looking at the gun shocked and in confusion Kaden found this stupid and annoying that this was his reaction "a gun" Kaden says calm compared to Cedrick "you know chief will kill you for having that!" Cedrick says in shock before calming down "did you atleast find anything of use" Cedrick says looking around the red room Kaden pulls out a pill bottle "supplements" Kaden says not proud but hoping to calm down Cedrick "that's good I found some medical supplies seems like a lot of doctors lived in this neighborhood" Cedrick says laughing pushing his long blonde hair behind his ear before standing tall "let's get ready to go yeah?" Cedrick says as Kaden stands up holding the gun firm and proudly walking out the bedroom pushing past Cedrick and the doorframe his eyes wandering down. A small hallway filled with messy decor that used to frame this small house and the old family that lived there. Kaden and Cedrick push past all the furniture out into a kitchen filled with junk but a open window their ticket to escape and the exact way they entered "alright let's climb through the window" Kaden says taking. A peak to look at the large garbage can and the small pathway filled of bushes and trees the cool wind and soft breeze hit Kaden's face. Kaden's hands grip the window ceal climbing out of the window onto the dirt path making a hard landing before he turns back watching Cedrick climb out behind him "so Cedrick how is everything going back at the qz?" Kaden says following the path into the large street in the neighborhood they have been hiding in Cedrick begins to speak following behind Kaden "okay so far. Chief has been talking about doing a sweep through the town square near by know I'm worried about running into skyscrapers" Cedrick says scratching the side of his head in a nervous way "we can take down a lot of skyscrapers" Kaden says confused on the worries Cedrick had, it wasn't that Kaden was annoyed of Cedrick fear but instead confused they have won many fights against them "I don't know man...they have guns we have weapons for close quarters" Cedrick says it was a good point. Kaden walks out into the Main Street looking around to make sure the coast is clear heading towards up the hill toward a camp they have been staying at. "That should be less of your worries...I'm just tired of being forced out into these towns filled with infected while they get Denver all to themselves" Kaden says walking around the junk and cars in the street "yeah man I guess it's a issue...I haven't heard much from Chloe im starting to get worried...everyone in the goddamn city will be hunting her down" Cedrick says from what Kaden knew Chloe was a escape from the underground she had escaped a month ago out a sewer. Kaden found her ways inspiring but dangerous escaping from a group you signed your life to was brave and not a easy task "she will be fine she knows what she's doing" Kaden says in a bold way trying to calm down Cedrick and his dumb worries "she escaped man...she has to know what she's doing" Cedrick says his walking comes to a halt as they see a open car door Kaden pushes his gun up in-front of his chest protecting them "stay back..." Kaden says to Cedrick slowly looking inside the car seeing a body a fresh body. Blood pouring from a knife sticking out of his head "Jesus..." Cedrick says covering his nose trying to push out the smell of the body "the blood is fresh...this just happened" Kaden says his eyes wandering to the knife as he slowly approaches it Cedrick makes Kaden go to a hault "hey! What are you doing" Cedrick says "he doesn't deserve to just have the knife in there..." Kaden says Cedrick was surprised that the top hunter of the underground cared about a. Body "fine...pull it out" Cedrick says. Kaden slowly grips the metal knife pulling it out letting a crunch and crack as he pulls it out blood dripping back onto the guys head. Kaden and Cedrick both inspect the knife before seeing a symbol "someone from the underground did this..." Kaden says calmly "what? Wait isn't that Chloe's knife?" Cedrick

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