Chapter 1:Crown got stealing by a...

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Hi... My name is Marielle, Im are the youngest princess (14 yo) of the Kingdom of Mizu, I have two older brother, Jess is a year older than me and Ash is a year and a half older than me. My mother, Carolina, is the Queen and My father, Julian, is the King of the Kingdom. There is alot of maid and guards in the castle

I wake up in My large bedroom, the first thing I see is a maid who was picking My dress for the day, she looks at me and smiles

"Good morning your Majesty, did you slept well ?"
The maid said

"Yeah! I heard sounds that are like stealing a crown"
I said

As the maid looks a bit worried

"stealing a crown ?"
The maid and Suddenly an headguard enter my bedroom

"your Majesties, we have a proble-"
Before he can continue one maid suddenly burst in my room

"The Crown of the queen, it is gone !"
The other maid said

"I suppose it's this that you call 'problem' ?"
The Guard said

"We have to tell the King and the Queen"
The maid said

"Yes, but the question is : who did that ?"
The Guard said

"no one was able to enter the castle, I have doubt that someone of the staff might be the culprit"
The maid said

"No the staff is loyal to the Queen, the king, and to the royal family"
The other maid said

"But someone was still able to enter and steal the Crown, it's either a staff or an intruder"
The Guard said

"But how could an intruder be able to enter the castle, the guards prevent access unless it is a royal figure or staff"
The maid said

"And even then the rooms and hallways are monitored 24/7"
The Guard said

"Maybe someone used magic or something"
The other Maid said

"Don't be ridiculous, there hasn't be a mages outside the castle in decades"
The Maid said

"Even then, no mages in Mizu is strong enough to enter the castle, or to steal the Crown without being seen"
The Guard said

"the King and the Queen will know what to do"
The other maid said

"in the meantime, we have to keep this secret, the people of Mizu would be panicking to learn that the Queen's crown was stolen"
The maid said

"I agree, for now, we're just going to continue the day like it never happened"
The Other maid said

The two maids and the guard left the room, leaving me alone with the first maid who was still here, she looks at me for a few seconds before saying

"Your Majesty, I think that you should get ready for the day"
The maid said

Well... She is still worried, even though she tries to hide it

"Okay... I guess Hey wait a min... Someone comeing in"
I said

As The Maid quickly turns around in the direction of the door

"Who is it ?"
The maid said

And... The door suddenly open and I saw my older brother, Jess, entering the room

As he enters, he looks annoyed, and he sighs before saying

"Mom sent me to get you, we're having a family meeting."
Jess said

I said As He crosses his arms and he look at me

"You'll know at the meeting, get dressed quick, we don't have all day."
He said before leaving the room, once more leaving me alone with the F*cking maid again!

"You heard him, your Majesty, you need to get ready as quickly as possible"
The maid said

I said

a few minutes later

I were fully dressed, the maid looks at me, with the same worried expression as earlier

"You can go now, they are all waiting for you in your parents' room"
The maid said

I said as i go to the hallway and walk to my parents bedroom

Once i was there, I open the door, and I enter the room, I see that My parents, Ash,  and Jess are already there

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