cause i hate to wait so long..

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as i wake up in a cold sweat, the sounds of yelling filling my ears. i could tell something is wrong. i shake awake garnett and tell him to grab the closest thing he could find to a weapon, he whips the door open and all we see is chaos, in a blink of an eye im pulled away by a z.

garnett shouts for help as he tries to find a way to kill it, and that's when 10k comes in a mercy's the z. i hug 10k so tightly that i think i must've popped his head right off.

crying and shaking we are brought outside.

i go to find kayc, 10k sister who i've grown close to. with all the adrenaline in me i pick her up and hold her close.

garnett stands in front of us, so that we weren't targets in this sick game.

as they cage up murphy, and he goes on about he's the god of the apocalypse, i'm too worried about everyone. i gently tug on garnett shirt. he turns around.

"don't try to be a hero charlie.." i say, tears welling up in my eyes. "please charlie.."

and that's when it happens, he jumps in front of a gun to save me and kayc.

"NOOOO!" i let out a cry that shook the whole world. i wipe the blood of my hero, my beloved soldier off of my face.

i run to his nearly dead body, "charlie..charlie.." i say as i hold his face. "charlie please don't please keep your eyes open baby.." to no response. "charles..?"

his eyes begin to freeze over..empty shell of what he once was.

"you have to mercy him.." warren says calmly

"i-i can't.." i say through

warren then mercy's him and i sit there in silence.

i then let a wail out of the deepest depths of my soul and heart. and start to sob as i hold onto him.

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