Chapter 16

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I woke to bright sunshine outside, another cloudless day from what I could see of my limited view. Even though my stomach hadn't grumbled as of yet, I decided to indulge in another biscuit. I wasn't oblivious to the fact that my energy levels were depleting, and I was sleeping more as a result.

As had become the norm over the past few days, I looked towards the barn entrance for Blue. My heart jumped. He wasn't there. I scanned the area outside that I could see from where I was but I couldn't see him. My stomach lurched and upset filled me. Had he really gone?

I turned to my left to reach for my bag for my biscuit and startled with shock. Blue was laying down behind me. I'd woken up all but cuddling the wall and couldn't see behind me. Of course, I hadn't expected in a million years to find him so close to me in such a vulnerable position.

He'd nestled himself against the back wall and seemingly created himself a hole in the straw so when he laid down it rose up around him. His nose was only about a foot away from me, his neck and head stretched out towards me.

Oh my God I thought to myself. This was absolutely amazing. I wanted to reach out and touch him, but I knew if I did it would wake him up and the magical moment would be over. Not wanting to disturb him at all, I put the idea of my biscuit on hold. As quietly as I could, I laid down on my left-hand side so I was facing him and just stared at him.

He looked so peaceful, calm, and relaxed. What had happened to him in his life to make him as nervous and mistrusting of people as I had become? He didn't look old. He was well muscled, his coat shiny, every inch the epitome of peak physical health. I had no idea of how to tell a horse's age by their teeth and the likelihood of me getting anywhere near his mouth was slim to none anyway, but I was fairly certain he couldn't be in double digits.

As I laid watching him, I couldn't help but smile. His legs started twitching and his ears flicked back and forth. A minute or so later he grunted. Was he dreaming? I'd seen cats and dogs moving and making noises in their sleep. Was it possible for horses too?

With his soft muzzle only inches from me, I had to resist a lot of temptation to reach out and touch him. I knew the velvety softness of a horse's nose and I missed the feel of it more than I realised. Still, I'd figured by now that patience was key here and when he wanted me to touch him, he would let me know, like last night.

It wasn't long before I felt my eyelids drooping and the heavy pull of sleep luring me back into peaceful dreams. With Blue enjoying his own peaceful rest next to me, I happily gave in.


I woke again sometime later. It took a few seconds for me to remember Blue had been laid down next to me and I immediately looked for him. He wasn't there but the indentation he'd left on the straw was. I grinned. At least I knew I hadn't dreamed it.

Lifting my head, I looked down to the entrance to see him stood with his pile of rapidly diminishing hay.

"Hey, boy," I said. "Did you have a good sleep?"

He moved an ear towards me and swished his tail. I stood up and stretched my arms and legs. Blue pricked his ears in interest but kept eating. Feeling bold, I moved towards him, telling him I wanted to look at his knee. He kept on chewing and didn't bother at all.

Refilling the wash bucket, I cleaned his wound again and reapplied some more Savlon. He didn't bother at all. I touched his shoulder and watched him for a reaction. Nothing. I dipped my fingers in the water and rubbed at his shoulder wound. Still nothing.

I kept on chatting to him as I cleaned his shoulder and dabbed some antiseptic cream onto it. "There we go," I said, grinning. "You're all fixed up."

He turned his head towards me, and half closed his eyes, as if he were smiling. That was all I needed. 

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