10 - Baby Brother

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"Ge-Genya? What are you doing here?" I whispered, my voice barely audible as I tried to mask my surprise. My attention quickly snapped back to the suspicious figure I'd heard just moments before. I whipped my head around the corner, but the person who had been muttering to themselves was already gone. I cursed under my breath, frustrated by the lost opportunity, before turning back to Genya.

He was already towering over me, his presence somehow both imposing and comforting. "I had to kill a demon nearby," he said, releasing his grip on my shoulder. "But I sensed another demon's presence here. What are you doing here?"

"Uzui and I are investigating whether the unusual number of deaths here are linked to a demon," I replied, a hint of pride in my voice. "Looks like you beat us to it." With a grin, I playfully ruffled his hair, but Genya's face flushed a deep shade of red. He quickly brushed my hand away, his usual scowl intensifying, reminding me of his older brother.

"You've grown so much. You might even get taller than Sanemi," I teased, fully aware of how much that would irritate his older brother.

Genya's expression faltered, and he glanced away nervously. "About that... Please don't tell him I'm part of the Demon Slayer Corps." His voice held a trace of anxiety, and I frowned, puzzled.

"Why not?" I asked, my eyebrows knitting together in concern.

"It's a long story," he replied, his eyes darting around as if he feared being overheard. "I just don't want him to find out. Not yet."

An inner conflict brewed within me. If I had sisters who were secretly part of the Corps, I'd be devastated and angry if someone knew but did not inform me. But I also knew that it wasn't my place to interfere in what seemed like a complicated relationship. I softened my gaze, offering him a reassuring smile as our eyes met.

"Alright," I said with a gentle nod, "but only if you treat this old lady to some matcha." My grin widened as I saw the relief wash over his face. "You are kind of reminding me of someone." the young teen grumbled under his breath.

"Really? I hope they are as cute as I." I skipped towards the exit of the bathhouse.

"He's definitely not cute." the boy spoke with deep irritation laced in his voice.


"So... aren't you supposed to, like... hate men?" Genya asked awkwardly as we sat comfortably in a quaint tea shop, the aroma of fresh matcha filling the air.

"Aren't you supposed to be a little punk?" I shot back without missing a beat. Genya nearly choked on his tea at my quick retort, and I couldn't help but chuckle. Placing my cup back on the table, I let my gaze wander to the window, where the bathhouse glowed with life, its lights flickering like a beacon in the night.

"You know that hatred you feel towards demons?" I began, my voice softening. "That's how I feel about men. I don't usually share this with just anyone, but you've got a kind heart, like your brother. I can see it in your eyes." I inhaled deeply, trying to steady my emotions. "My sisters and I were raised in a place where men always had the final say, even over the highest-paid Oiran."

Genya's throat bobbed as he swallowed, realizing the weight of my words, but I continued.

"It's not just hatred; it's more like fear," I confessed, my voice tinged with lingering pain. "Our father promised to wed my mother, she was from a high caste, you know, but he stabbed her to death when he found out she was pregnant with our unborn sibling. He hadn't shared a bed with her in those nine months. I have a hunch that the unborn sibling might have been a brother." I bit my lip, trying to hold back the tremor in my voice as the image of my mother's lifeless body flashed before me, a memory that still haunted my dreams.

"My grandmother, a good soul, always told me to protect my sisters, to see men as demons," I continued, finishing my tea with a heavy heart. "But that doesn't mean I can never trust a man again. It just takes time."

"But you barely know me," Genya said quietly, his voice laced with uncertainty.

I met his gaze, my expression softening. "I know your brother, and you and he are very much alike." I saw his chest puff up slightly with pride.

"I trust him, so I trust you, Genya. If you ever need a big sister to hold you or wipe your tears, you can always come to me," I added, placing a gentle hand on his cheek. He gave me the faintest of smiles, a small but significant gesture. He's such a cute baby, I thought to myself and had to restrain myself from cuddling him to death. Genya was like a feral, street cat; cold to the touch, but secretly craving affection. 

"Now, enough of the deep talk!" I declared, jumping up with exaggerated enthusiasm. "Let's go kick some ass!" I struck a heroic pose, and Genya sweat-dropped at my sudden shift in mood, but he stood up, ready to follow my lead.


Genya and I spent the late afternoon scouring the bathhouse and its surroundings for clues. Despite Tengen's renowned hearing, the demon we were hunting remained eerily elusive. It had to possess some form of Blood Demon Art that rendered it nearly silent, a rare and dangerous skill.

"Why is a Hashira even on this case?" I asked, crouching beside the beefy man on the roof of the bathhouse.

Tengen, perched confidently with his arms crossed, glanced at me. "It's a bit embarrassing, but all three of my wives adore this bathhouse. So, you could say it's a personal vendetta," he admitted, though there was no hint of shame in his voice, only a sly grin.

I sweatdropped at his nonchalant response. "Do you think this demon might have the ability to make itself soundless?"

"Could be," he murmured thoughtfully, rubbing his chin as he scanned the bustling streets below. Suddenly, a flicker of movement caught my eye. A woman, her gaze unnervingly sharp, looked directly at us. No ordinary person would have been able to spot us perched in the shadows.

Tengen and I exchanged a brief glance before seamlessly blending into our surroundings, becoming invisible to the untrained eye. We merged with the crowd below, our senses heightened, every person under scrutiny. I spotted the woman again and immediately took off after her, my feet barely making a sound as I navigated through the throng of people. Genya suddenly flanked me, his steps synchronized with mine, while Tengen was already a step ahead, his figure a blur of speed.

The chase led us to the tranquil gardens at the back of the bathhouse. The woman abruptly turned, a sinister smirk curling her lips. In an instant, two other demons materialized from the shadows, standing at her side, their eyes glowing with malevolence.

"Genya, take the one on the right. I'll handle the one on the left, and you," Tengen's voice was calm but commanding as he pointed to the woman, "take care of her."

"Yosh!" I flashed a quick peace sign, unable to resist a bit of levity. Genya, sighed and facepalmed at my antics.

Without another word, Tengen sprang into action, pursuing his target with deadly precision. Genya followed suit, his form disappearing into the gardens as he chased his demon.

I focused on my own adversary, darting into the darkness where she waited. The Buff Mice appeared at just the right moment, tossing me my scythe with perfect accuracy. I caught it mid-air and spun it effortlessly in my hand, the familiar weight grounding me. The demon's eyes narrowed, recognizing the threat, before she lunged at me with feral speed.

But I was ready.


Taisho-period secret

Kiyomi hopes that one day, when one of her younger sisters is old enough, she will date and marry Genya so that he can become her brother-in-law. Yuka and Haru are only two years younger than Genya.

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