doctors don't quit

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"Jung Jaehyun?" Areum called out again, snapping the patient out of his dissociation

"Y-yeah?" He asked, his eyes looking to her again

"I asked if you're feeling were on some pretty heavy medication" she said with a comforting smile as she wrote down a few notes on the patient file

"Sorry I...I can't help but think about the crash" Jaehyun answered softly and she nodded

"It was pretty traumatic, I can't blame y—"

"No I...I can't help but think about the people I hit into. I saw her on the stretcher before she got into the ambulance...she was pregnant" Jaehyun said, looking to Areum intently and trying to sit up to get an answer

"Do you...know if she's okay?" He asked as she moved closer towards him with a sigh

"You need to lie back down sir" she said softly

"What happened to calling me Jaehyun?" He asked and she broke into a small smile as he settled back into the bed

"Her baby is fine and the husband has a few rib fractures but he'll be okay" she said with a nod

"So she didn't make it?" He asked after a few seconds of silence while he processed her words

"I was working a 12 hour shift...and I stayed back another four hours for a surgery because they were performing a corpus callosotomy" he said with a light scoff, shaking his head as his teeth picked at the skin on his lips

"I wanted to stay back so bad just to get in on that know that feeling where you just want to do everything you can to make something happen? Like you don't even think for a second of how you could be hurting someone else or putting yourself in just want that one thing so bad?" He said, ranting a little but she didn't exactly mind

"Trust me...I know that feeling all too well" she said, her eyes matching his with the same amount of guilt as his words sunk in

"First I'm staying back to save a patient and next thing I know...I end up killing someone because I closed my eyes for two fucking seconds behind the wheel" he said gently, his voice just above above a whisper

"Well Jaehyun I can assure you that you didn't just fall asleep at the wheel" Jaemin said from behind the two, making himself known to them

"Your updated scan from this morning shows that you have a small compressive brain tumour" Jaemin said, placing the scan against the lightbox so they could see the images clearly

"But it's you can remove it right?" Jaehyun asked, anxiety laced in his voices although his tumour looked small to him

"It's small but it seems to be pressing against your motor nerves so in the case that you do opt for can come with it's risks. Especially because it may affect your movement and coordination" Jaemin explained, his glasses sitting at the tip of his nose

"So I...might have to stop being a doctor?" Jaehyun asked with slight disbelief at his words

"It's a risk. A small one...but one to consider before going ahead with the surgery" Jaemin said, looking at Areum swiftly before his eyes landed on Jaehyun

"And if I don't go ahead with'll get bigger and..." Jaehyun trailed off

"Look, you're a doctor yourself. You know the pros and cons of a surgery like this inside out. It's up to you" Jaemin said simply, letting himself out of the room without any further explanation. He had a number of patients to tend to, patients that had higher risks and bigger complications

"If it were you...what would you do?" Jaehyun asked as the two were left in the ward alone again

"Dr. Na is a great surgeon...and if it were me, I'd choose the surgery" Areum said, knowing she really shouldn't be overstepping her lines as a doctor, but she had to be his peer. She had to be a friend because she knew he needed it right now.

"You care about being a doctor that much?" Jaehyun asked, looking into her eyes, contemplating the risks

"I'd do everything to make it happen...wouldn't you?" Areum asked

"Last time I did that—"

"You have a tumour. Sometimes you need to cut yourself some slack Jaehyun. You didn't know" She said with a soft voice and he nodded slowly, moving his eyes away from her as he lost himself in his own thoughts

"Doctors don't quit."


"Hey come here, have a look at this" Mark said, calling Areum over as she found herself just finishing her rounds. She walked over to the nurses desk by the floor reception and looked at the monitor that showed an unfamiliar scan

"What exactly am I looking at?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at the image

"A heart" Mark said simply, not believing his own words

"What's that empty space over here?" She asked, pointing to the black part of the scan near the muscle wall

"That's the thing...I have no idea" Mark sighed with despair

"Maybe its a big clot or—"

"It looks like a foreign object, it's too dark to show up as a clot on the scan. My guess is probably a gauze that was left over from the previous surgery" a familiar voice said from behind them, causing them to snap their heads over to Haechan who was still dressed in his hospital gown

"What are you doing here?" Areum asked, looking at him strictly

"'s serious right?" Mark said, starting to panic a little

"It could lead to an infection at the least...organ failure at the most" Haechan said, eyeing the scan properly

"What do I do?" Mark asked with wide eyes

"I miss being a clueless intern." Another voice said and they turned to the other side to see Jaehyun looking at the screen as well, also in his hospital gown

"Find the doctor that performed the initial operation and get the current cardio-thoracic surgeon to look at the scan. You'll need to surgically remove it, leave it in any longer and the hospital will have a pretty big lawsuit to worry about" Jaehyun instructed, ignoring their stares

"Fuck!" Mark hissed, printing out the scan and running away to find Jeno somewhere in the hospital

"You should be in bed—and so should you!" Areum said, giving out to the two boys who stood innocently behind her in their hospital gowns

"I miss working" Haechan pouted

"Me too" Jaehyun nodded in agreement

"Well too bad, you need to rest" Areum said, narrowing her eyes at Haechan

"And you don't even work here!" She scolded, turning to Jaehyun with her arms crossed over her chest

"Would you like it if I worked here?" He asked, his lips tugging up into a smirk and she rolled her eyes

"Bed. Now." She said, pointing to his room

"You're kind of hot when you get mad" Jaehyun said with a teasing grin on his face

"Get in line" Haechan scoffed

"Bed." Areum said to him through gritted teeth. Haechan threw his hands up in defence and walked back to his own room as she turned back to Jaehyun

"So are you gonna prep me for surgery or what?" He asked, catching her off guard before she could give out to him as well

"You're doing the surgery?" She asked, taken back by his words and he nodded, seeing the smile spread across her face

"Doctors don't quit."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06 ⏰

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