First Autumn

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Fiddleford POV
I remember that day I saw him. A young man with messy brown hair was slumped against an oak tree. He had papers covered in writing strewn across his lap, and glasses on the tip of his nose. I had just transferred to Backupsmore University and I was young, ambitious, and scared shitless. My roommate and I had a spat about my late hours, needed his beauty sleep. But it eventually led to us parting ways. So here I was, waiting for the person who had responded to my "NEED ROOMATE!! URGENT!!" ad in the newspaper. The man snored and choked himself awake. He pushed his glasses up and rubbed his temples, then sighed, gathered his papers, and sat up. After brushing the dirt off his slacks, he promptly stuck out his hand to shake. As I grabbed his 6-fingered hand he looked looked up at me, "Hey... roomie." I looked at him. "Oh! Sorry. It's Stanford... Ford.. Uh. Stanford Pines." I chuckled, "Hello, Ford. Fiddleford Mcgucket." He looked at me quizzically. I thought it was my name at first, but he was actually shocked that I had called him Ford and not Stanford. That face. I didn't know what we'd be in for, but I knew that we would be roommates, and maybe something more.

When I look at him now, I don't see the man I knew.

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