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The message from Taeyong lingered in the back of Jaemin's mind like a storm cloud, casting a dark shadow over everything. Every step forward felt like walking on a razor's edge, and the slightest misstep could send everything crashing down.

Days passed in a blur of meetings, planning, and constant surveillance. Jaemin's network of allies was on high alert, every move calculated, every word carefully chosen. But the pressure was starting to show, not just on Jaemin, but on everyone around him.

Renjun, who had been Jaemin's anchor through all of this, found himself weighed down by the mounting tension. He spent most of his days assisting Jaemin, working closely with their allies, and trying to keep a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos.

One evening, as Renjun sorted through documents in Jaemin's office, he noticed the faint lines of worry etched into Jaemin's face. The late nights and constant strategizing were taking their toll, and Renjun could see the exhaustion in Jaemin's eyes.

"You need to rest, Jaemin," Renjun said gently, placing a hand on Jaemin's shoulder. "You can't keep going like this."

Jaemin shook his head, his gaze fixed on the papers in front of him. "I don't have a choice, Renjun. Every minute we waste is another opportunity for Taeyong to strike."

Renjun squeezed Jaemin's shoulder, his touch firm but comforting. "We'll be no good to anyone if you collapse from exhaustion. You've been carrying the weight of this entire syndicate on your shoulders. Let me help lighten the load."

Jaemin finally looked up, meeting Renjun's eyes. For a moment, the hardened leader façade slipped, and all that was left was the boy Renjun had fallen in love with-tired, vulnerable, but still fighting. "I just don't want to lose everything," Jaemin confessed, his voice barely a whisper.

Renjun pulled Jaemin into an embrace, holding him tightly. "You won't. Not as long as we're together."

Jaemin closed his eyes, allowing himself a brief moment of peace. But the moment was shattered when Haechan burst into the room, his face pale and eyes wide with urgency. "Jaemin, Renjun-you need to see this."

Jaemin and Renjun followed Haechan to the main room, where a large screen displayed live security footage of their territory. One of their warehouses-a critical hub for their operations-was up in flames, smoke billowing into the night sky.

Jaemin's expression hardened, his mind immediately racing through the implications. "It's him," Jaemin said through gritted teeth. "Taeyong's making his move."

Haechan nodded grimly. "We've already sent men to contain the fire, but this wasn't just an attack. It was a message."

Renjun watched the footage, anger boiling inside him. "He's trying to bait us. He wants you to retaliate recklessly."

Jaemin clenched his fists, the rage barely contained. "We can't let this stand. He's escalating, and we have to hit back."

Jeno, who had been monitoring communications, spoke up, his voice tense. "There's more. We intercepted chatter about a meeting Taeyong's planning-a gathering of his supporters to officially declare war on us."

Jaemin's mind whirled. This was exactly the kind of public move Taeyong would use to rally support, forcing the syndicate to pick sides in a definitive showdown. "Where's the meeting?"

Jeno pulled up the intel. "A club on the west side, heavily guarded. It's risky, but if we can get in, we might be able to disrupt his plans and send a message of our own."

Jaemin nodded, his decision made. "We need to strike first. We'll hit the club, cut off his support, and show everyone that we're not backing down."

Dangerous Affection | Renmin | JaemrenWhere stories live. Discover now