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"What is a soulmate? A soulmate is someone who completely understands you and loves you unconditionally"

Not everyone liked the idea of soulmates, someone gave up on the idea of it and believed they were always meant to be alone in a world without color. Jeff hated more then the idea of it but actually hated seeing it in real life too, he and his brother had gone all of their high school and college years without ever seeing any color and he was okay as long as he had his brother in this with him too.

then they went to that stupid bar.

Charlie met Babe and saw colors and spent all his time as "Babe's boy" till he could get the boy turned into boyfriend, Do not get him wrong because he was happy his brother was happy and could see color but Jeff felt a heart pain as he wondered where his so-called soulmate was and why he had not seen him if he even existed.

maybe he was one of the unlucky ones.

It was now time to head to his work for the first time, Jeff just hoped that the owner was not as bad as his last boss. "You are late" a voice made him stop in his track and he turned around to see who it was, he took a deep breath and refused to show any smile but shifted his body towards him.


"You must be the owner, I am Jeff the new mechanic " He held out his hand but took back when he saw Alan was not reaching out his hand. "And you are late, Charlie's brother right?" Alan shook his head and mentioned for Jeff to follow him to where the cars where, that is when he saw his brother getting out of one of the cars.

"Jeff!" Charlie yelled and ran right past his boyfriend and hugged his brother, they had not see each other in a bit and Jeff hugged his brother till he looked out of the corner of his eye to see Alan glaring at him before walking to the upstairs office.

He shook his head as not to think much over it , until he turned to see his brother showing him the stuff Babe had gotten him.

He saw colors .

Jeff's eyes opened and he tried hard to remember the moment when they came , it was when he locked eyes with Alan for the first time . "You- you're my soulmate " Jeff whispers.

But days went by with Alan hardly paying or being around him, Jeff needed to see or ask if he saw colors but he didn't know how to start the conversation.

"Ala-" he would start .

"Not now , I have to be somewhere " was his reply , this was the dance they would do every single week . Now it had been a month since he saw color , he would see Alan running his garage and doing amazing as the owner but Jeff wondered if one can see color but the other could not . But how could he figure that out if the other person was conctanly avoiding him so he was setting his plan in motion with the help of his brother and North from the PR team, All they needed to do was trick Alan into having a meeting with Jeff and locking the door until they had talked it out .

What could go wrong.

{A few months ago}

Alan had taken ownership of a garage and moved his racing team to it to start making them one of the best racing team in Thailand, he had been out of the relationship game so long that he did not how how to respond to Babe's question.

"how does one pick the best gift to get their boyfriend?"

He had not had a relationship since his last one left because he found out that Alan did not see color when he looked at him, Alan had given up on finding the one who made him see color but that was until he bumped into Jeff the first day at his garage.

Charlie's brother.

He could never start anything with him because he did not know how Charlie would react if he knew Alan saw color when he was around Jeff, So he kept his distance but watched him from the distance and froze in his tracks when Charlie walked into the office not longer after he had stormed up there.

"My brother likes men in charge, well one who happens to work in this garage" Charlie whispered which made Alan suddenly turned and look at him, he winked at Alan before walking out after giving the hint that he knew they both needed.

"You'r welcome Jeff" Charlie whispered before heading down to where his boyfriend was, Alan looked again down at Jeff and smiled because he could really pull off the team uniform but was Charlie really okay if Alan went out with his brother.

"You see color when looking at me, don't you" Jeff's voice made Alan turned to see Jeff had somewhere come up to his office while he was in his thoughts, "I-uh" he started but Jeff kept walking closer to him until he was up against the window.

"Yes- but Charlie - I'm sorry" he whispered.

Jeff grabbed his hand and held it to his heart and placed his free hand on Alan's cheek , "It's you, my color- my soulmate, Just focus on me not on my brother or anyone else" with that Jeff placed his lips on Alan's and felt every worry and pain and doubt go away. Both of them tuned out the world and leaned into each other's embrace, they finally had found each other after years of never seeing any color and losing hope.

{a few months later}

Alan was planning on asking Jeff a very special question since asking him to be co-owner of the team, and then moving in with him because he saw Pete do it with Way then Kim and Kentra then North and sonic but last week seeing everyone engaged or married and he was not going to be the last one.

but then Jeff had asked him the question last year at the holiday and now it was time for their wedding, so he had been working on a special gift for him and was about to give it to him. "Alan- what are you doing, its time to get married" Jeff folded his arms but Alan just chuckled and walked up to him.

"open it" he handed Jeff a blue and white bag with a ribbon tied to it, Jeff who was curious on what was so important that Alan was ready to be late to their wedding when he opened it to see the jacket Alan wore when they had their first kiss.

"Can you wear it today?" Alan asked and Jeff nodded without hesitation and placed it on him, but it was then that Alan picked him up and carried him down to the aisle with Jeff laughing but holding on to him for dear life.

"I was enchanted to meet you"

This was not the ending of their chapter but rather the beginning as Jeff had another surpise for his love, one that Alan would not be able to see for until next year but it was worth the wait on not seeing color because Alan was the best thing that Jeff could ever get.

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