It's tough to open my heart, knowing this might be the final chance for love. Yet, here I am, a hopeful fool, daring to take the leap. With him, the world fades away; it's just us, lost in the moment. I feel alive, unburdened by the past, as if I'm floating in a serene sea, tasting freedom. There's no need to fret about the journey ahead; he guides me through it all. The tranquility wraps around me, and I forget the uncertainties that once loomed large. I close my eyes, welcoming the gentle breeze, smiling up at the sky, where it's just us—no islands, no distractions. For the first time, I feel human, alive with emotion, no longer numb. I can picture us in a small boat, his arms around me, whispering sweet nothings. I wish we could linger in this bliss forever. But reality calls; we must dock at an island and confront what lies ahead. I was so lost in the moment that I forgot our little boat can't sail on forever. If we push on, we might face storms, danger, or worse—become lost at sea. But would it be so terrible to face it together? Yet, love is more than just a shared fate; it's about choices—the choice to stay, to fight, to grow. Everything is fleeting: people, feelings, energy. I never expect us to last forever, knowing change is the only constant. It's up to us to decide if we'll weather the storms, if we'll remain despite the odds. You might see me as your forever, but I can't envision you as my anchor. Isn't that a bit unfair? Still, I pray you choose to stay, day after day. I hope you don't waver when it's time to say goodbye. Am I scared? Yes, but I have no regrets. From the start, I've contemplated our future, accepting that it might not work out. I don't cling to dreams of us together down the line; I simply pray each day that you'll choose to stay.

September 06, 2024

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