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Dylan made it successfully through brain surgery. She had a clot that was removed. Dylan was kept in a medically induced coma. Dr Hunter was closely monitoring Dylan. The Dr's wanted to wait 12 hours before taking Dylan back into the OR. The scans had revealed that her stomach needed repairing, as did her spleen and liver. There was also damage to Dylans uterus and genital area. Another specialist was involved in that area. Dr Fox. He was a leading specialist in Gynaecology.
Sophie and Tony had to leave. Their daughter needed them at home. She was only 14. Carols sister, Jane, came into town to support her. This also meant that Jane could help with Nico.
Carol sat with Dylan, holding her hand. Carol lifted her hand and kissed it.
"Please get through this, Dyl." Carol whispered, stroking her daughters cheek. She stood up and kissed the same cheek.
Alarms started to go off. Dylans blood pressure was plummeting, and her heart race increased. Dr Hunter and the OR team filled the room.
"Ok, let's get Dylan down to the OR, people!" Hunter said. Carol sobbed and walked to the waiting room was. Jane sat there.
She stood up and hugged Carol.
Then they had to wait, yet again. Carol couldn't stop pacing. Jane had to leave soon to pick Nico up from school. Sophie arrived and saw Carol's face.
"No, please tell me that she hasn't......" Sophie said.
"No, but she was rushed back into the OR." Jane answered. Sophie was relieved. Tony was running the store along with Jackson, his 2nd eldest son. He was 18 and leaving for college in the fall to be a Dr.
Owen had had his arraignment and was remanded. He still couldn't figure out what all this fuss was about. He was demanding to see Dylan and tell her to stop being so dramatic. Of course, the request was denied.

Sarah Orzechowski was pacing in her apartment. She couldn't stop thinking about that patient they treated, Dylan Parker. It resonated with Sarah because she had been a victim of domestic violence. She volunteered at a shelter for women who had been abused. Sarah hoped that Dylan would live, and she could help her more.

Sitting in his prison cell, Owen was muttering to himself about how much trouble Dylan was causing. If he could just see her and get her to stop all this drama and nonsense, then they could get back to normal.
Owen was wondering what the best way to get to Dylan would be. He needed access to the hospital.

Carol and Sophie tensely waited for news on Dylan. The wait was unbearable.
Carol paced back and forth. Her sister called to say that Nico had been collected from school.
Several coffees later, and Dr Hunter came to give them an update.
"Dylans liver has been repaired. Her spleen is still in need. It's going to take some time if we want to save it.
I know you won't, but try and get some rest. It's going to be a long night. Dylans brain seems to be doing well. I will update you as and when I can." Dr Hunter placed a hand over Carol's and smiled warmly. He got up and walked away.
Carol let out the breath she didn't realise she was holding. Sophie sat back down. Carol was exhausted.
"Why don't you try and nap?" Sophie suggested. Carol nodded and laid down on the couch in the waiting area. She tossed and turned a bit. Sophie stroked Carol's hair back to soothe her. Carol's breathing became steady. She fell asleep.
At one point, Sophie fell asleep too, sat in a chair. The sun was rising by the time Dr Hunter came back to speak to Carol. She was still asleep, so Sophie shook her awake. Carol bolted upright.
"Wha wha what is it?" She asked.
"Ms Parker, Dylans in recovery. We managed to save her spleen. You will be able to see her soon."
Dr Hunter said and stood up.
Carol was received that Dylan had made it through another surgery. She still had more to come.
After a while, somebody came to get Carol. Sophie said goodbye and went home to sleep.
Carol held her daughters hand and smoothed what hair she had left out of her face. Dylan was still in a medically induced coma.
Carol had some ideas to help Dylan whilst she was in this coma
She knew that it was sedation, but Dylans brain needed stimulating. Carol brought a speaker up and played Al the bands that Dylan loved. The speaker was on low. Carol had made a huge playlist on Spotify of all Dylans favourites.

Oh, Scotty doesn't know
So don't tell Scotty
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
(So don't tell Scotty)

Fiona says she's out shopping
But she's under me
And I'm not stopping

'Cause Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
So don't tell Scotty
Scotty doesn't know
Don't tell Scotty

I can't believe he's so trusting
While I'm right behind you thrusting
Fiona's got him on the phone
And she's trying not to moan
It's a three-way call and he knows nothing, nothing

Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
So don't tell Scotty
'Cause Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
So don't tell Scotty

We'll put on a show
Everyone will go
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know

The parkin' lot, why not?
It's so cool when you're on top
His front lawn in the snow
Life is so hard 'cause Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know

I did her on his birthday

Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
So don't tell Scotty
Scotty doesn't know

Scotty will know
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty's gotta know
I'm gonna tell Scotty
Gonna tell him myself
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty has to
Scotty has to
Scotty has to go

Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
(So don't tell Scotty)
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
(So don't tell Scotty)
Scotty doesn't know

That is so bad! So bad

Carol liked this song too, and she was willing to do anything that would help.

Forgiveness    BOOK ONE IN A 3 PART SERIES Where stories live. Discover now