KENNY pt.1

74 3 12

Tw-Death, abuse, prison, violence

Suggestion from-marjoreece_mialotte

Summary-Marjorie never forgives Reece and ends up with Kenny, when Marjorie goes into a coma after the violence, Reece does something extreme.

Marjorie's PoV:

I can't believe Reece would do that to his own sister! How could he have the nerve to ask me out and then send them dead flowers to remind his sister HIS OWN SISTER of the horrible prank her played on her all them years ago. I know what I have to do, I have to call if the date! I'm not going out with someone who treats their own sister like that. So I call him and he answers immediately.

R-Hey so don't laugh, but I actually did find a place that specialises in lemonade.
M-Well you can go ahead and cancel that date.
R-Autumn said no?
M-No I am!
R-Marjorie are you okay?
M-No I'm not okay, I've just had a huge wake up call and I cannot believe I've let myself get sucked in by you.
M-I am not finished!
M-All this nice guy stuff you've been pulling over these last few weeks, I am realising now that I was all a complete act okay, you are nothing like you portray yourself you are actually deep down a really awful and grotesque human being! And I have no business being anywhere near you.
M-So there will be no date and if you could hurry up and please hire somebody new so I don't have to keep lending you my staff, okay I would like them back.
(Marjorie hangs up)

M-Ugh I can't believe him.
A-I did tell you not to fall for his charm.
M-I know I can't believe I was so stupid. Marjorie you absolute pillock.
K-Uh hey Marjorie, I've left that delivery outside of the kitchen for you.
M-Oh thank you Kenny.
K-Um I was wondering if you had any plans for Valentine's Day?
M-Um no no I don't.
K-Umm would you like to go on a date with me?
M-Yeah sure, that'd be great.
K-Alright I'll pick you up from your house tonight, if you could just write down your address, I'll see you at 7.
M-Okay, here you go.
K-Thanks see you tonight, I'll take us to that restaurant in town that just opened up.
M-Okay see you tonight.
K-Yep bye.

Kenny's PoV:

I can't believe my plan worked, I told her we were going to the restaurant in town so that Carly would tell Reece that because I know she's eavesdropping I saw her, and then Reece would be off my back and I can finally have my fun.

Carly's PoV:

I hear Kenny telling Marjorie that he's going to take her on a date to the new restaurant in town, but that guy literally just hit on me, I can't let that happen, I need to tell Reece. Luckily he's driving me home today, so I'll tell him then.

R-Hey Carly you ready to go.
Ca-Yeah, let's go.
Ca-Sooo you got any plans tonight?
Ca-Marjorie's got a date tonight.
R-As long as he's a nice guy, that's a that matters.
Ca-That's the thing, I'm not sure he is a nice guy, I mean he practically hit on me!
R-What do you mean?
Ca-He like winked at me really suggestively.
R-Oh. What's his name if you know?
Ca-Yeah it's Kenny.
R-Please tell me it's not Kenny Killerman.
Ca-Yeah it is.
R-Suddenly the sniffing around teenage girls makes perfect sense.
Ca-Well they're going to the new restaurant in town at 7 I think.
R-Okay, I need to get Marj out of there that guy can be dangerous.

Time skip to 7pm

Marjorie's PoV:

7pm rolls around and I wait for Kenny to arrive. And luckily he does. He doesn't look very dressed up for a restaurant though, he's dressed in more casual clothes. Oh well. I answer the door to him.

M-Hey Kenny.
K-Marjorie, right let's go.
M-Okay. Wait Kenny this isn't the way to the restaurant. Do you need help with directions?
K-Ha you really thought we'd be going to the restaurant? I need to get revenge on someone for what Reece did to me all those years ago and who better to hurt than the girl he's clearly in love with!
M-What do you mean?
K-He threw me down the stairs repeatedly.
K-Doesn't matter, but I need my revenge.
K-Ha you really are pathetic Marj aren't you. Right we're here get out.
K-Sit on the sofa and don't you dare move!
K-Right I'm back now, let's gets started shall we!

Marjorie's PoV:

I'm so scared, why would Kenny do this?! I watch as he walks over to me, easily over towering me. I knew I didn't have the strength or size to fight back and that I would just end up worse for me, so I have to let him do it and hope he lets me live! I feel every centimetre of his punches and kicks and slaps and strangles as he just tortures me repeatedly, until everything goes black. I wake up after what feels like seconds but must have been a long time. I can hear everything around me, but I can't move or even open my eyes! I can feel everything and it's horrible. I feel the wind blow on my face and the drops of rain beginning to fall on my motionless body. That bastard really left me in a coma outside so he wouldn't get caught. That's when I heard someone's voice coming towards me.

Hehehe cliffhanger, know you guys love them. (Do I need to go back into hiding?) also the next chapter of this will be out tomorrow. Also I hope Marjorie and Reece's phone call isn't too off I did it from memory from the actual video.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04 ⏰

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