ღ𝐹𝒾𝓇𝓈𝓉 𝒜𝒾𝒹ღ

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Jake groaned in agonizing pain as warm, blood dripped down his leg. "Fuckin' loser, can't even fight back. what a pussy!" Chucky was standing next to Jake's hunched-over body, knife in hand. He looked at the bloody knife with interest, his face twisting into a sinister grin. "I could so easily finish you off. Too bad your pathetic boyfriend isn't here to help, hm Jake?" The ginger doll raised the knife and jammed it into Jake's thigh with a grunt. "Fuck!" Jake backed away as far as he could with both legs injured. Chucky cackled and ran toward him, ready to strike again.

"Dev! Over here!" The doll whipped his head around quickly towards the panicked voice that called through the school classroom. "Dammit," he mumbled, slowly turning back towards Jake. Lexy and Devon ran to them, their feet slapping hard on the tile floor.  Devon immediately went to Jake's side and left Lexy to deal with the doll.  

"Jake, holy fuck are you okay?" Devon tenderly put his hand on his boyfriend's back and put his other hand on his leg. "Y-yeah, I think. I don't think he hit my artery." Jake winced as Devon took off his flannel and tied it tightly around the thigh that was stabbed. "Were you here the whole time? Lexy and I looked everywhere," He looked sympathetically into Jake's brown eyes. Jake nodded and directed his vision to Lexy, who had stabbed Chucky and left him bleeding and lifeless on the floor. Her blonde hair was pulled into a ponytail and tears streamed down her blood covered face. 

"I'm so sorry Jake, we couldn't find you and-and Junior, he-," Lexy stopped and started to sob violently, a mix of mascara and blood dripped onto her once baby blue tank top. "Junior what? What happened to Junior Lexy?!" Jake looked at Lexy, then at Devon, whose face was pale. He was on the verge of tears. "Jake," Devon grabbed Jake's frantic face with both hands. 

"Junior, he...um-Chucky killed Junior. He's dead, Jake," 


"I'm so sorry," Lexy hiccupped and wrapped her arms around Jake's neck, Devon wrapping his arms around her. They stayed like that for a while and cried into each other, mourning the loss of a cousin, a boyfriend, and a best friend.                                                                                                                       -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Lexy sat on the counter in the bathroom, as Jake sat on the toilet seat in a pair of shorts and Devon kneeled at his legs, cleaning the blood off. "Why him?" Lexy asked with a shaky voice. "Why Junior? Why couldn't it have been someone else? Junior didn't deserve that! He did nothing wrong!" Jake saw Devon's chin quiver. Lexy got up off the counter, her slippers smacking the ground. "I'm gonna...go for a walk or something before I actually fucking explode," she walked off and closed the door.

Jake winced as Devon dragged the blood-stained washcloth across the gash in his thigh. "Sorry," Devon whispered, voice wavering slightly. "Dev," The raven-haired boy touched his boyfriend's cheek warmly. "I can't help but feel like its our fault- I mean for fucks sake, Jake, we were in the same fucking room, and...we didn't help," Tears slipped from the shorter boy's eyes, silently hitting Jake's legs.

 "Its not, okay? Don't think it is. You can't do much about Chucky, he just- its not your fault. If anything, its mine. I bought the stupid fucking doll. You and Lexy didn't know what to do, don't blame yourselves," Jake rambled, he didn't want Devon to feel that way, he knew what survivors guilt felt like, and its awful. He wouldn't wish it on anyone except for Chucky. 

"Jake, do you even understand? I feel like shit," Devon looks up into Jake's watery eyes. "I think I of all people should understand, Devon. I saw my fucking dad die, and I just stood there and watched. How do you think I feel!?"

"Sorry," Devon mumbled. Jake sighed. "Look, I'm sorry I shouldn't have lashed out. I'm just- tense." Devon nodded and ran a finger over the large bandaid on Jake's other thigh. "Yeah, no, I get it," Jake leaned down and kissed Devon, softly. He kissed back, his lips wet and salty from tears. 

"Thank you for helping me, Dev. Really,"

"Yeah, of course. You need stitches though," Devon got up and washed the once light blue washcloth in the sink, the water turning dark red, then slowly fading to pink. "Figured," 

Later that night, Lexy, Devon, and Jake all sat on the couch in Lexy's charred living room. "What do we do now? I mean, my fucking mother wants to disown me pretty much, and you guys don't have any parents to go to, at this point, we're orphans," Devon picks at his cuticles, and Jake notices and lightly rubs his thigh. "I guess we just...go with whatever happens next?" Jake proposes, his voice high and worried. Lexy nods, and then Devon copies her action. "Guess so," he says, leaning into Jake. 

"We'll get through this eventually, I hope," Lexy says as she lays in her bed, Jake and Devon on a pallet on the floor. "Eventually," Jake rests a hand on Devon's cheek, looking intently at him. 

"Night, Lex," Jake says. "Night, losers," Lexy turns off the lamp on her nightstand and rolls over onto her side. "Goodnight, Dev," Jake whispers, gently stroking his cheek with his thumb. "Goodnight, Jake."

xoxo, vamps 

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