Chapter 2

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Y/N: Alex please, let's not start a fight right now.

Alex: What do you expect? Should I be laughing at the fact that my best friend has a secret girlfriend for more than six months now and on top of that she's getting married tomorrow! Do you even have the wedding dress?

Y/N: No, I am dropping her off in an hour to go look for a dress with her friends ...

Alex: What about you? You know what that's the thing I hate sometimes when it comes to you. No matter what, you'll always put your girl first, damn it, I am coming back from the club and we're getting you a suit.

Y/N: Alex...

Alex: Shut up, I am mad at you right now, but I will try to be a better friend than you are I guess. Meet you in the town in an hour?

Y/N: Deal.

Alex: I can't believe this asshole...

Y/N: I am still on the line...

Alex: And I don't fucking care.

He ends the call and I can hear someone getting closer to me, I turn around in my chair just to be attacked with those green eyes.

"You should tell him the truth, he sounds pretty mad." I pick my papers up from the table and throw it into the bag next to the chair.

"We'll see. Are you ready to go?" Her eyebrow raises in confusion, like she wants so badly to say, I was born ready, but she controls herself. Yeah Lauren you might be born for a lot of things but I don't know if you were born ready to be my wife.

"Let's go then my soon to be wife." I tease her and she slaps my shoulder, I can feel it in my bones that this is not going to end well. We walk in silence towards the elevator, from time to time I take a little glance at her, she walks with her head held high, her hips swaying sweetly, I am afraid that she is going to be 'the man' in our house, which means that we will fight a lot. I press the button on the elevator and we step in, I have never felt so nervous in my entire life. She is just so intimidating.

"Are you finished with work?" I hear a raspy voice from my left side, it sounded kind of funny I wonder why, maybe she is just as nervous as I am, but if she is, she is defenitely not showing it. Lauren clears her throat and looks at me, her staring is making me nervous but I guess she is waiting for an answer?

I look back at her for a moment with my mouth already open ready to speak but I close it again when I notice the beautiful red dress she is wearing, I look at my tie and see that we are matching, she is going to go nice with my car too, what kind of thoughts are that? I have to stop myself from thinking too much, it makes it all worse.

"Not really, my father is going to kill me but I think that right now is more important that you buy a dress." I can see it in her eyes that she is surprised by my words, she even wants to say something but the doors of the elevator open before she could. I let her get out of it first and I can see Stacey from the corner of my eye running closer to me. She pushes a few documents into my hands and I stop walking for a second and put them inside the bag.

"Did you sign the papers?"

"I read a few of them and sign two, I don't like them all though, so the ones that are not signed are not acceptable, and I took some of them with me, to read them tonight and I will bring them back tomorrow evening, I have some things to do in the morning, so I won't be here, you should cancel the meetings." Lauren is watching us from the corner of her eye, she tries to be sneaky but she is really not.

"Okay I will do that, have a nice evening boss."

"What did I say about the boss thing?"

"Sorry bo-Y/N." I smile at her as I move towards the door with Lauren by my side, she is looking everywhere except me and I sigh deeply before I take the big step.

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