The Beast within 🥵🔥

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The night was cool , and gentle breeze blew through the open air restaurant where shaurya and palki were seated. The city light twinkled . In the distance , reflecting in the large windows that surrounded their tables. The soft sounds of a live band playing in the background , adding to the serene ambiance .

Palki loos stunning ina deep emrald dress that hugged her figure perfectly, her hair cascading down her back . shaurya couldn't take his eyes off her. Every glance was filled with admiration and a growing desire that he could barely keep in check .

" You look beautiful tonight," he said softly, reaching across the table to take her hand .

Palki blushed, her eyes meeting his. "Thank you " she replied, her voice equally soft. " You look preety handsome yourself" .

They enjoyed a meal filled with delicious dishes and easy conversation,their connection deepening with each passing minutes. As they finished their dessert , shaurya noticed the clouds darkening
Outside, the scent of impending rain filling the air .

He leaned in closer , hos voice low and intimate . " It's going to rain soon. How about we take a walk before it starts ?"

Palki's  eyes sparkled with excitement.
"  I'd love that ," she said smiling brightly.

They paid the bill and left the restaurant ,stepping out onto the hotel's private terrace. The air was charged with electricity, the first few drops of rain beginning to fall . Palki lifted her face to the sky , closing her eyes as she felt the cool droplets on her skin.

" This is perfect," she whispered , her voice filled with childlike wonder. Without warning,  she took off her heels and ran into the rain , laughing with pure Joy.

Shaurya watched her , his heart swelling with love and something darker, something more primal. Palki's dress clug to her body as the rain soaked through the fabric , highlighting every curve. She twirled and danced , her laughter like music to his ears.

Unable to resist any longer , shaurya walked towards her,his eyes dark with intent. Palki saw him coming and stopped , her breath catching in her throat as she saw the hunger in his gaze . He reached her in just a few strides , pulling her close and crushing his  lips against her.

The kiss was intense, filled with passion that had been simmering all evening. Palki responded eagerly , her hands tangling in his wet hair as the rain poured down around them. Shaurya's hands roamed her body , feeling the damp fabric clinging to her skin , his touch igniting Every nerve ending .

Palki moaned into the kiss , her body arching against his . The rain fell harder , soaking them to the bone , but neither of them cared . Shaurya pulled back slightly , his breath ragged as he looked at her.

"Palki",  he murmured , his voice husky with desire . "We need to go inside . "
Palki nodded, her eyes wide with anticipation. Without another word , shaurya scooped her up into his arms, carrying her swiftly toward the private suite he had booked for the night.

Shaurya kicked the door open, carrying palki inside as if she weighed nothing. The suite was warm and dimly lit , the sound of the rain muffled now that they were inside . He set her down on her feet ,  his hands immediately going to the straps of the dress.

Palki shivered, more from the anticipation than from the cold, as shaurya fingers deftly undid the clasps holding her dress in place . The fabric slipped off her shoulders , falling on the floor in a damp heap . She stood before him in just her lacy undergarments , her skin flushed with desire .

" You're so beautiful ," shaurya whispered , his voice filled with awe .
His hands roamed her body caressing her with tenderness that belied the fire burning in his eyes .

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