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Owen felt like he was on a mission. He HAD to see Dylan and get her to stop all this nonsense. He felt like he was in this prison for nothing. In Owens' mind, he had done nothing wrong.
The only way he could see Dylan was to get to that hospital. Owen paced the cell. He was trying to think how he could get access to the ICU if that's where she really was.
"Will you stop that? Imma punch you if you don't!" His cell mate said, who was trying to sleep. That's when an idea started to form on Owens' mind. He smiled to himself and laughed. He honestly didn't know why he hadn't thought of it before.
"We will be back together soon, my love." Owen muttered quietly, getting into his own bunk.

Dylans sedation was being lightened today. It had been 72 hours since the surgery. She still needed surgery on her uterus and genitals, but Dr Fox wanted to speak with Dylan first. As the sedation was being lightened, Dylan was also extubated.
Carol sat and talked to Dylan. She found that out of all the bands Dylan reacted to, it was mainly Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco. Carol had even gone to the extreme of emailing the band management companies to see if the bands would be willing to send a message or play a song for Dylan. Carol received the nog standard reply saying no. They don't do things like that.
Carol took to tiktok and Instagram to tell everyone what had happened to Dylan and how the 2 bands' music was really helping. The videos she made went viral. People were tagging the bands.
Carol opened her DMs, and there was one from Brendon Urie and another from Pete Wentz. They both said that they would be more than happy to help in any way they could. Carol cried when she read the messages. She sent details of Dylans favourite songs by Panic and FOB.
As Dylan was turning a corner, Carol decided to sleep in her own bed tonight. She was exhausted and felt like she hadn't seen her son for days.
"I will see you tomorrow, Dyl." Carol said and kissed her daughter on her forehead. Dylans little finger moved a little bit, like she was waving goodbye.

"Aaaaaaahhhhh! Aaaaaaaaah!" Owen yelled out. He was rolling around in pain, clutching his sides. The corrections officer opened the cell door.
"James! What's wrong?" He asked.
"Aaàaaaahhh! It hurts!" Was all Owen would say. The CO pushed a button, and a bell went off. Another CO arrived along with the prison nurse.
"He needs to go to the hospital." The nurse said. "We aren't equipped to deal with this!" An ambulance was dispatched to the prison. Owen was loaded onto a gurney and taken to the hospital.
ER was busy. Owen was still crying with pain.
Àn ER doctor came to triage Owen. He had blood drawn and was sent for scans.
Owens scans came back, and he had razor blades in his stomach. This meant that he would need surgery to remove them. Owen, although in pain, was happy. It meant he would get access to Dylan. He was booked in for surgery.

Across the hospital, Dylan was prepped for more surgery. This time on her uterus and genitalia. As Dylan was still in a coma, she still wasn't totally aware of everything. She certainly wasn't aware of Owen in a gurney being wheeled past her.
"Dylan! Dylan!" He called out. "Please, baby!"
Dylan went onto the OR. Dr. Fox began the surgery. She managed to fix Dylans urethra and her fallopian tube. All in all, Dylan was physically fixed. She was taken to recovery. Owen was also in there, coming out of his anaesthetic, too.
Dylan was taken back to her ICU room. Carol was waiting for her with Nico. He hadn't seen Dylan at all since this happened.
Carol had been messaged back and forth with Brendon Urie and Pete Wentz. They had both offered to come and play for Dylan, and when she was well enough, Dylan could go to LA and watch Panic live. Carol couldn't believe the kindness of people.
A few days after Dylans final surgery, her sedation was taken away completely. It was just a waiting game now to see how long it would take for Dylan to wake up.
Nico sat at his big sisters bedside, talking to her and making silly kid jokes with her. He knew she would laugh at them.
Carol had to go back to work. She couldn't take any more time from work. Work had been really good about everything, but Carol still had bills to pay. So when Carol was at work, Jane would sit with Dylan for a while before Nico would come after school. He would chatter away whilst he sat doing his homework. Dylan was making small movements, so it looked like she was starting to wake up.
It was another day over, and the ICU ward was winding down. Besides vitals machines beeping, it was all quiet. Owen was awake. The CO, who was meant to guard his door, was nowhere to be seen.
Owen sat up in bed and looked around. He pulled the covers back and got out of bed. He unhooked everything from himself and took his IV stand with him. He knee what room Dylan was in. Owen had observed her family going in and out of a certain room during the day. He poked his head out the door cautiously. Nobody was around. He made his way quietly across the hallway to Dylans room. She was asleep. Owen quickly entered her room and took Dylans hand.
"Dylan, please stop this. It's so dramatic. I didn't even do anything wrong, Dyl. I love you, you know that. Please stop all this nonsense."
When there was no response, Owen shook Dylan a little bit. Dylan moaned.
"Dylan!" Owen kept glancing at the door because he could hear voices. He shook her again and again. Dylan moaned. Owen was getting impatient now. He raised his hand like he was going to strike Dylan. Her eyes fluttered open. Her eyes grew wide with fear as she saw Owen above her.
Dylan screamed. At the same time, the CO came into the room.
"STOP!" He yelled out.

Forgiveness    BOOK ONE IN A 3 PART SERIES Where stories live. Discover now