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"How is the taste?" I ask Iseul and Shin-yu, while my eyes shining. In the mansion, I'm getting along with the two only.

Soo-ah is nice but spends most of her time with Jia, and I don't like Jia a bit.

"It taste great, Ma'am." Iseul chimes.

"Start calling me Yn, please. Ma'am makes me feel old, I'm just 25." I say, because that's how I feel when they call me formally.

"But Mr Kim-'

"It's my life, he won't say you're disrespectful. And thanks for loving the taste of the cake. It's been long since I went to the kitchen, the last time I baked cake was on my little sister's birthday. I thought this will turn out shit." I confess with an embarrassed laugh.

"No. It taste so good. Mr Kim will like the special cake you've made for him." Shin-yu says.

"Mr Kim?" I look at him while confused.

"The cake is specially for Mr Kim, isn't it?" Shin-yu narrows his eyebrows.

"No." I quickly deny.

"Oh! We thought you've made it specially for him because he is your boyfriend and you wanted to surprise him." Iseul says.

I choke on my saliva, starting to cough while rubbing my throat. Mr Kim is my boyfriend, my fucking boyfriend and I keep on forgetting about this truth about my life.

"You're fine?" Iseul pats my back while Shin-yu gives me a glass of water that I take and gulp down.

"Yeah." I let out breaths.

"So who is it for then, if it's not for Mr Kim?" Shin-yu asks.

"Someone special. You'll see her, she'll come with Mr Kim." I reply, with a happy smile.

I can't wait to meet Ara, have made all these efforts for her- well, it's all worth it because the little angel deserve everything in the world.

"A bell ring. It looks like Mr Kim is here." Iseul says, while I was decorating the cake.

"I'll go open it." I say, immediately.

I wipe all the sweat on my face, it's a nice thing that I wasn't affected by the smell of the cake, if I had then I wouldn't have work till this far. I let out a sigh, taking the plate with cake in my hands.

Iseul opens the door and before I can bring out the words, I wanted to speak, my mouth is left hanging- it's only Mr Kim on the door step.

I look behind him and there is no one.

"You made a cake? For me? But I don't remember today being my birthday." The billionaire wonders.

"Because it's not your birthday. Why are you alone?" I ask, while he is walking ahead of me.

"Did I have to bring someone along? Did I say I'll bring someone with me?" He looks at me, eyebrow raised.

I never knew this man can be forgetful, Ara is supposed to be in the mansion today and he is talking about something else.

"Have you forgot?"

"I don't seriously remember telling you that I'll bring someon- Oh!" Realization has hit him finally.

"Finally." I sigh with a done look.

"I'm sorry, Yn. But Ara won't be with us today." He says, with a sad face.

"What? But why? We signed the papers, right? Is there any other problem? Wait- someone adopted her? Oh God! Mr Kim, how could you let that happen?" I say, while my eyes widen.

Inheritance Of The Cold Heart | kth √ Where stories live. Discover now