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"Where are you going?" Jin asked to namjoon who was hurrying up searching something

"I am going to my office my secretary called me" rm said

"You're mafia you also go to office?" Jin asked

"That's our own office we hide ourselves as businessman you won't get it" namjoon said wearing his watch

"Go safely" Jin said and namjoon nodded

"Come closer" namjoon asked Jin was surprised
"Fast I don't have time" namjoon said Jin came closer and he quickly caught Jin in a quick kiss and left immediately

Jin touched his lips blushing being like a red tomato

And namjoon also left

"KIM SEOKJIN COME DOWNSTAIRS!" Soojin's voice broke his lovely emotions and he got scared so went downstairs

"What is this now?" Soojin asked and jin looked the breads were a bit burnt. It was still eatable and anyone would like it

"Im sorry I went to room" Jin said looking down. Soojin frowned and asked "and why?" Jin looked at her taking a small glance and saying "joon- namjoon called me"

"Ohhh really? So you went to the room dancing when the bread was burning here, culture less" soojin said

"Make it again" soojin odered and jin nodded before trying the whole process again...

Jin bread soojin kitchen....

Shocking? No no....lemme tell you

Soojin told Jin to make food cause she wanna taste nah don't worry jimin and tae aren't on a holiday they gonna do to

Afterall soojin is the jUdgE

Afternoon already jungkook suga and soojin was sitting on the table and tae and jimin jin too

Maids brought food and left....

"Basically today your wives made food I won't tell you who made which one but you have to choose one which is better" soojin said

Tae and jimin looked at eachother they be like looking at eyes and being
"wtf brother"

"Bring it first" suga said and soojin handed them (yoonkook) the food

Well it was Jin's cooking

They ate and yooooo their face was saying like "YES INFINITE× BETTER CHEF THAN AUTHOR AND THE MAIDS"

"OK....bring next one" jungkook said And suga nodded

Next was jimin surely they liked it too

Tae's one also very good they liked it too


"Who made the first one?" Suga said...

"Umm can you guess?" Soojin said

"Taehyung?" "Jimin?"
Suga said jk said

"Basically it was jin" soojin said

"Jin was looking with doe eyes. What if its bad?

"Much better than your cooking skills soojin" jungkook said

"Totallt agreed" suga said

Soojin was shocked "what the hell"

"What? We don't lie" suga said and jin was smiling silently

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