first (arcade) date

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Dazai and akutagawa decide to go for their first date on a thursday,  they went at an arcade

akutagwa didn't know what to do at the arcade because he never went to one so he was awkwardly staring at everyone and every game, dazai noticed this and said "lets try this one first" he pointed to a pacman game, akutagwa followed behind dazai and dazai was the first to play, "shit I lost" dazai said irritated he lost about 4 times until he noticed akutagwa just watching "wanna give it a try?its an easy game" "then why did you keep loosing" akutagawa asked bluntly "ouch. well its because I was just giving you a laugh I'll play for real" "well I didn't laugh" dazai plays  one more time and still looses

as akutagawa tried he lost the first time but the second time he won and got tokens "Whaaaaat" dazai said shocked akutagwa actually won,  "it wasent that hard" akutagwa said as he grabbed the tickets, "what is this?" akutagawa asked confused "its tickets when we get enough we can get something from the prize machine" dazai explained

the day went by pretty fast, akutagwa won most games getting tons of tickets meanwhile daizai got....2 tickets "well this sucks" "you can have my tickets" akutagwa said "nah you can keep them" akutagwa went to the prize machine and got a swan plushie and then went to dazai and gave it to him "I got you this..its all I could get in the prize machine " "oh why your so kind  akutagawa-kun" dazai said as he put his arms in his chest dramatically then dazai gets up and ruffles akutagawa  head

they were walking home until they noticed a car stopping by them  and rolled down the window and they were met by a shocked higuci with her jaw dropped until she finanly speaks  "akutagwa san why are you with HIM?" higuchi asked "we  went on a date" akutagwa said bluntly shocking higuchi more and they continued walking ignoring higuchi stare leaving her behind

when they got to akutagwa apartment dazai kissed his forehead leaving akutagwa with a red flushed face, when akutagwa got in he saw gin smiling at him "brother? why were you with dazai San?" she asked  "we...we went on a date" "on a date?! I never thought the day would come where you went on a date!but why did you went dressed like you usually time you go on a date I'll dress you up instead!"

"w-what?" akutagwa asked surprised as he saw the determined look on his sisters eyes

word count:429 words

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