Pregnant and unhappy

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Bellatrix:" Will  the both of you just shut up! Tom expects me too get this!!!!!! I can't think straight with you both being idiotic."

Cissy:"This stress isn't doing you any favors Bellatrix you need too think about you and especially the baby."
Bellatrix: Bellatrix slaps Cissy across the face.... "Leave it alone Cissy I don't want too think about that. Don't push it with me okay? Dont you think that I'm aware of that?"

Andy:"Can't you see what the dark lord is doing too you  too our family?"
Bellatrix:"Leave it alone Andy this doesn't concern you, the truth will   eventually come out as long as you make the right decision." Bellatrix smirks at Andy leaving Andy uneasy.
Cissy:"Truth? What truth what is Bellatrix talking about?"
Andy:"I've no idea, Bellatrix has gone mad. I'll see you both later."

Bellatrix: Bellarrix bends over in pain."Is this supposed too happen?"
Cissy:"Deep breaths...."
Tom: Tom appears."Are you alright?" Cissy:"This doesn't concern you." Bellarrix:"Cissy please leave it alone, I wanted Tom too come, just don't tell Rodolphus." Bellarrix panics."Cissy promise me?"
Cissy: Cissy sighs."fine, but only because your my sister."

Tom:"You wanted too see me? Rodolphus isn't giving you a hard time is he? I can quite easily straighten him out."
Bellatrix:"No of course not... there's something I need too tell you and your not going too like it. It doesn't have to change anything."

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