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Since the date of foundation of the Comintern (SH) on 31 December 2000 until today -

(06 / 08 / 2015, on the 95th anniversary of the Second World Congress of the Comintern and Lenin's famous Theses on the conditions for the admission of individual parties to the Communist International),

- the Comintern (SH) has no own guidelines of the conditions for admission into the Comintern (SH) in use, simply there was no organisation that wanted to join the Comintern (SH). The key reason lies in the fact that we are a tiny Communist International, in contrast to the Comintern in the time of the Second World Congress. In the moment we still consist of only a few Sections.

Stalinism-Hoxhaism is a young ideology which takes getting used. And many people are not immune to the ubiquitous revisionist poison of hidden anticommunism, which is provided with the fake label of "Marxism-Leninism".

The Comintern (SH) is currently far from being a sort of "fad" that would attract magically parties and organizations as in time of the foundation of the Comintern and the victory of the Red October.

Today, the Comintern (SH) fights principled against all neo-revisionist organizations and therefore she is reviled by them as "Trotskyites" and "Sectarians" etc. The revisionist and neo-revisionist organizations of today try to shun the Comintern (SH) by using methods of hush up. Others try to brush us off with demagogic platitudes or simply curse at us. All their brainless clamor is politically foredoomed.

The Second World Congress had adopted Lenin's principles, which corresponded to the then given historical conditions of the complete break with the betrayal of the II International. After the victorious October Revolution, everyone wanted to become member of the III International, "left" - sectarians, anarchists, trade unionist groups, as well as centrist elements who refused to jettison their old ballast of the II International. All these elements which tried to intrude into the III International were more or less far from following Leninism as the only correct guidance of the Bolshevik world party and the international communist movement. It was so, as Lenin put it in his terms of admission:

"The Communist International is, to a certain extent, becoming the vogue."

Lenin stated:

"In certain circumstances, the Communist International may be faced with the danger of dilution by the influx of wavering and irresolute groups that have not as yet broken with their Second International ideology."

[Lenin, Collected works, 4th edition, vol. 31, p. 206-207]

(our remark in regard of today's situation: "... that have not yet broken with their neo-revisionist ideology" !)

The purpose of Lenin's 21 guiding principles is thus to protect the Comintern against the infiltration of anti-proletarian elements whose aim it is to decompose the Comintern from the inside, to divert us from the path of the socialist world revolution, to adapt us to the bourgeois ideology, the transformation into a bourgeois International and thus to incapacitate this most important fighting instrument of the world proletariat.

This is precisely the same purpose of the new 21terms of admission of the Comintern (SH), too.

The Comintern (SH) draws historical lessons of the betrayal of the modern revisionists against these 21 guiding principles of Lenin.

Lenin's terms of admission stating expressly that "no communist" "should forget" the devastating effects on the world proletariat, caused by a "fusion" of the Communist International "with the 'left' wing of Social Democracy". The merger of the Communist and Social Democratic parties was launched by the modern revisionists. This betrayal cost us communists dear, down to the present day. It was already plotted by Dimitrov at the Seventh World Congress and ended with the dissolution of the Comintern in exchange with a so called "popular front" which was totally dominated by the social democratic bourgeoisie. And this revisionist "Popular Front" policy of Dimitrov is now again "en vogue" in face of the ongoing fascization of the society. In regard of the restoration of this revisionist betrayal, we have already warned in our general line of the Comintern (SH) in 2001, and we are determined to preclude this fatal repetition of history by all means.

Today, it is primarily the neo-revisionists who are working towards a fusion with the revisionists, based on the betrayal of Dimitrov and the VII World Congress. Dimitrov attacked the upright Communists as alleged "sectarians". And in the same way, the neo-revisionist attack the Comintern (SH) today. Therefore, our adherence to Lenin's terms of admission is of crucial importance to prevent the penetration of centrist and neo-revisionist elements into the Comintern (SH).

In the period from 2000 to 2015 there were no groups or parties who were guided by the 5 classics of Marxism-Leninism and by the decisions of the Comintern of Lenin and Stalin. There was no one in the world who defended Lenin's terms of admission in theory and practice - with the exception of the Comintern (SH).

Of course, there have been countless revisionist, neo-revisionist and a wide variety of opportunistic groups and parties in the world, which are linked to some extent internationally. But today all these hidden anti-communist organizations have no interest in joining our Stalinist-Hoxhaist International for the purpose to continue the tradition of the Comintern of Lenin and Stalin, the CPSU (B) and the Party of Labour of Albania. They have no interest in fighting for the socialist world revolution, in fighting for the establishment of the dictatorship of the world proletariat and in fighting for world socialism and world communism. And without saying, the Communist International (Stalinist-Hoxhaists), on her part, has no interest in inviting anti-communist organization for joining us.

It would be most convenient if the Comintern (SH) would simply copy Lenin's 21 terms of admission. After 95 years have gone, it is clear that they cannot be applied unmodified onto the present conditions. It is therefore imperative that the Comintern (SH) has to consider the historical period of today's globalization.

With increasing degree of our popularity, the international interest in the Comintern (SH)is steadily growing. In this respect Lenin's 21 terms of admission will gain more and more topical importance.

We hereby take the 95th anniversary as an opportunity to adapt Lenin's 21 terms of admission to current conditions. We decide on their update, suitable as guidelines for the terms of admission to the Communist International (Stalinists-Hoxhaists).

21 Conditions of Admission to the Communist International( Stalinist-Hoxhaists)Where stories live. Discover now