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All decisions of the Comintern (SH) are not only binding for each Section, but also for everyone who wants to belong to the Comintern (SH). In all activities the Comintern (SH) must take into account the different conditions in the individual countries, under which each member and each Section is fighting and working. Generally binding decisions will always find their limit of implementation, where they can only be decided concretely from the spot and where the Section or the individual member must execute decisions in their own responsibility.

The working style of every party member and all party organizations is determined by communist collectivism. The rules and norms of collective cooperation are determined by a general codex of communist behaviour within party life. They always adhere to the fulfillment of every collective task and instruction of the Comintern (SH).


Anyone who wishes to belong to the Comintern (SH), can not be a member of any of certain "leftist" organizations simultaneously (there is no double-membership). There is only one world party to which a Stalinist-Hoxhaist belongs, the Comintern (SH).

The Comintern (SH) creates her own organizations in every country in the world. This internationalist principle is politically very important for the organizational anchoring of the hegemony of the world proletariat in every country.

The proletariat of each country is part of the world proletariat, the proletarian revolution in every country is part of the proletarian world revolution, the Section of a country is part of the world party and every party member is part of a Section.

In each country there is only one and the same revolutionary, proletarian communist party, namely the Comintern (SH) represented by its Section. The Sections are called according to their country's name [ "German Section of the Comintern (SH)", "Portuguese Section of the Comintern (SH)" and so on ....]


Anyone who wants to belong to the Comintern (SH), must recognize the program, the platform and the general line of the Comintern (SH), must tirelessly and conscientiously implement the decisions, must give material support to the Comintern (SH) and be active in one of her organizations.

The Comintern (SH) in general, and the Section, in particular, have obligation towards every member and vice versa.

The Sections provide the translation of all important documents of the Comintern (SH) in their own language.


Both each member, as well as the Sections and the leadership of the Comintern (SH), and all their organizations use the Bolshevik principle of criticism and self-criticism in solidarity - namely in order to avoid mistakes and to correct mistakes as soon as possible, so that they can be avoided in future. The principle of accountability and control is used by all organizations, beginning with the individual member up to the leadership of the Comintern (SH).


Anyone who wishes to belong to the Comintern (SH), must study and apply the teachings of the 5 Classics of Marxism-Leninism in all political activities.

The boundless love and loyalty to the Comintern (SH) and to the heroic traditions of the communist movement, the creative application of the proletarian ideology in a global context and under the conditions of one's "own" country, as well as in the personal field of activity, the courageous struggle against the class enemy - the friendship among the party members - all this is source of our strength, our steeled unity and all our historic victories.


Membership of the Comintern (SH) is performed individually and on a voluntary basis.

Incompatible with our internationalist, proletarian unity are all activities of its weakening and destruction (especially factionalism). We defend our world party against all dangers that occur, against deviations from the general-line, as well as against any violation of party decisions, against lack of solidarity towards other members or towards the collective, and against lack of our internationalist, communist morality.

Those who reject these 21 terms of admission, or those who violates them seriously, can not be members of the Comintern (SH), respectively will be expelled.

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