Chapter one

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## A Night of Tears and a Dawn of Change

Violet, an 18-year-old girl burdened by the weight of her circumstances, sat on her balcony, the moon casting a silvery glow on her tear-streaked face. The night air was thick with the silence of her unspoken pain. She felt a cocktail of emotions – sadness, anger, unease, and a deep-seated depression – all swirling within her, leaving her yearning for a sliver of peace.  The constant barrage of negativity from her aunt and cousin, Nancy, felt like an unending storm, and her past experiences of abuse at the hands of her own parents had left deep scars.  She was tired of crying, tired of carrying the weight of everyone's expectations, tired of being misunderstood.  "I wish I could end my life," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the rustling leaves.  "Why does everyone think badly about me? Am I not enough?" she questioned the moon, its bright light mocking her despair.  She retreated to her room, seeking solace in the familiar comfort of her diary.  Her pen danced across the page, pouring out her pain in the form of a poem:

In search of peace, but lost at sea,
I wish for light to set me free.
Hold on, though heavy, hope may mend—
A fragile thread, where dreams can bend.

She sighed, the weight of her emotions leaving her drained and numb.  She went to bed, hoping for a respite from the storm that raged within her.

The next morning, Violet woke up to the familiar sting of her aunt's voice. "Finally, you're awake, huh? Now go and make us something to eat. Be fast, my baby Nancy is getting late."  Violet felt a familiar surge of frustration.  She went to the kitchen, a silent promise to herself echoing in her mind: "I need to bear everything if I need to stay here."  She made breakfast, her movements automatic, her mind replaying the events of the previous night.

After a hurried breakfast, Violet left for school, the same feeling of dread clinging to her like a shadow.  She reached the school gates, her eyes scanning the familiar faces. "Where are those three idiots of mine?" she muttered, a small smile gracing her lips as she spotted her friends, Jimin, Jungkook, and Dahyan, rushing towards her.  Their warm embrace was a haven from the storm that raged within her.  "Finally, you're back, Dahyan. You know we missed you so much," Violet said, her voice choked with emotion.  "I know right, I missed you guys too," Dahyan replied, her eyes reflecting genuine concern.

"The good thing is we are having the same classes today," Jungkook chimed in, trying to lighten the mood.  "Anyways, Violet, everything seems alright?" Jimin asked, his voice laced with worry.  Violet nodded, her voice barely a whisper, "I also don't know what's happening with me in these last few days."  Dahyan hugged her tightly, "Don't worry, Violet, everything will be good again."  Violet smiled weakly, her heart not fully convinced.  "Hope so," she sighed, the weight of her situation pressing down on her.  "Listen, Violet, they have so much work too," Jungkook said, trying to reason with her.  "I will manage, it's not a big deal. Ok, then I have to go to class, otherwise, Miss will punish all of three for being late," she said, her voice regaining a semblance of strength.  They nodded, and Violet headed towards her classroom, the familiar routine offering a temporary escape from her reality.

But fate had other plans.  Violet, exhausted and overwhelmed, drifted off to sleep during class.  Mrs. Lee, the stern teacher, caught her napping and promptly sent her to detention.  "No, mam, please, not detention," Violet pleaded, her voice trembling.  "I won't change my mind, you're having detention," Mrs. Lee said, her voice leaving no room for argument.  Violet slumped back into her seat, the weight of her situation crushing her spirit.  She spent three hours in detention, her mind replaying the events of the past few days, her heart heavy with despair.

When she finally reached home, she was met with her aunt's fury.  "Didn't I tell you to come home straight? What were you doing for three hours?" her aunt shouted, slapping her across the face.  "A-aunt, actually, I got detention," Violet stammered, her voice barely audible.  "I don't care, I just told you to come home after school. Go and clean the whole house!" her aunt barked, her voice dripping with disdain.  "I can't, I'm so tired," Violet pleaded, her voice cracking with exhaustion.  "I clearly don't care, just do what I say. Go and clean the whole house!" her aunt insisted, her tone leaving no room for negotiation.  "Enough now! I-I ain't doing any work now, I'm sick of all this shit every day!" Violet cried, tears streaming down her cheeks.  "If you want to live in this roof, then you have to do what I say, otherwise, get out!" her aunt said, pointing at the door.  "Fine, I will go from there then," Violet said, her voice laced with a newfound determination.  She went to her room, packed a small bag, and came downstairs.  "I will never come here again," she declared, her voice firm despite the tremor in her heart.  "Good luck then," Nancy said, a smug smirk playing on her lips.

Violet left, her steps heavy with the weight of her decision.  The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the street.  As she walked, she noticed a group of men staring at her.  Their eyes met, and they started walking towards her.  Fear gripped her heart, and she took off running, her legs pumping frantically.  The men gave chase, their laughter echoing through the darkening streets.  Violet ran into the forest, the trees providing a temporary sanctuary.  She stumbled and fell, her body exhausted.  "I think I got lost," she said, her voice trembling.  She pulled out her phone, hoping for a signal, but it was dead.  She got up and started walking, desperate to find her way out of the woods.  She came across an abandoned house, its windows boarded up, its paint peeling.  "I think I should stay there for the night," she said, her voice a mere whisper.

She entered the house, the air thick with dust and decay.  She found a sofa, covered in a sheet, and used a piece of clothing to clean it.  She lay down, exhausted, and drifted off to sleep.  She was awakened by a sudden noise, a soft rustling sound.  She opened her eyes, her heart pounding in her chest, and saw a young boy standing in the doorway.  He had an innocent, angelic face, his eyes wide with surprise. Violet screamed, a primal cry of fear that echoed through the empty house. The boy, startled by her sudden outburst, screamed back, his voice high-pitched and trembling. The sound hung in the air, a jarring note in the otherwise silent house.

Violet, her breath coming in ragged gasps, stopped screaming. She looked around, her eyes searching for the source of the noise, the source of her terror. The boy was gone. He had vanished as quickly as he had appeared, leaving behind a lingering sense of unease.Violet sat up, her heart still pounding. She had seen him, she was sure of it. But where had he gone? And who was he? She tried to rationalize, to tell herself it was just her imagination playing tricks on her, but the fear was too real, too raw. She was alone, in a dilapidated house, in the middle of nowhere, and she was terrified.

The silence returned, heavier now, thick with the weight of her fear. Violet huddled on the sofa, her eyes darting around the room, searching for any sign of danger.

To be continued....
Book cover made by avery_skyz   thank you to make a beautiful cover 🥹🥹🥹

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