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the drive to the baseball field they would be playing in that morning was less than favorable. the thirteen of them had split into three cars, so seungkwan was squeezed into the backseat with jihoon and wonwoo. that pairing would have been fine, and seungkwan was more than okay with getting a few more minutes of sleep, but his two energetic best friends had other plans.

needless to say, the trio in the backseat filtered out of the car before seokmin could even put it in park. in solidarity for his quiet friends, the youngest in the car did the kind gesture of smacking soonyoung and seokmin hard in the back of their heads. this resulted in his best friends whining loudly and jihoon and wonwoo snickering quietly as they high-fived seungkwan.

the group of five gathered into a line as they walked side by side towards the empty baseball field, seemingly the first of their large group to make it there. the five of them tossed their belongings next to the gate opening as they walked inside the gated area, seokmin and soonyoung immediately splitting off and pretending to play a game of catch with an invisible ball and an invisible glove. when soonyoung fell down dramatically after being hit by the invisible ball, the trio left behind let out quiet sighs.

as they watched seokmin run and hold soonyoung in his arms, bemoaning something about soonyoung being too young and beautiful to die, the rest of their group chose that moment to finally arrive. the groups of four or five slowly climbed out of their cars, all chatting excitedly as they pulled their belongings out of the trunks of the cars they came in. the group walked towards the baseball field, leaving jeonghan and seungcheol behind who were arguing heatedly about something seungkwan couldn't hear.

eventually, seungcheol dragged a visibly annoyed jeonghan towards the baseball field where the rest of their younger friends were gathered. the group settled down and started a light discussion over who would be team captains.

in the meantime, seungcheol cleared his throat and said, "you guys should thank me. i saw the shit jeonghan had in his trunk and told him to keep it in his car."

the group murmured among themselves in a mix of confusion and curiosity. seungkwan took the initiative to ask the oldest, "what did he bring, hyung?"

jeonghan huffed dramatically as he rolled his eyes, stumbling back dramatically as seungcheol shoved him back and said, "he had a giant tire and a dinosaur costume in his trunk. i think i saw some flippers in there, too. so i told him to leave that stuff there because we are not going to use them."

"you guys are no fun." jeonghan said as he shoved seungcheol back, the older of the two not even budging from his spot as he chuckled at jeonghan.

in the background of their conversation, a small portion of the group were off to the side having a heated game of rock paper scissors, which ended with mingyu and vernon becoming team captains. the two captains stood in front of the group and silently debated over who would pick first. during that time, seungkwan was subtly sending vernon signals that he wanted to be picked first. subtly, as in he was mouthing the words put me on your team and holding his hands together in a pleading gesture.

no one was more surprised than seungkwan when mingyu picked him to be first on his team. well, it seemed that no one was surprised. he heard soonyoung whisper the word shocker from beside him, but it was a shock. seungkwan knew he was one of the two athletes in their friend group, the second being jeonghan, but he figured even that knowledge wouldn't be enough of a reason for mingyu to pick him first.

seungkwan eventually went to stand beside mingyu, making sure to mouth a word in apology to vernon in his passing. he wanted to be on his team because he knew vernon wasn't very athletic, and the boy needed as much help as he could get. in a way, seungkwan was beginning to think that mingyu picked him off first so that vernon's team wouldn't do well. in any case, it was an awfully mean thing to do.

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