Our True Story

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"But I DON'T want to date him!" "I know I know but we need you to. You and him are one of the two biggest people i the wrold right now! You HAVE to go out with him!" Everyone tells you this ubt you still don't want to believe it. I mean seriously an arranged relationship? What are we in the 1400's?

But even if I keep arguing, I know I will still have to abide in the end. "Couldn't you choose someone else like..." Who? He's the number one pop-star right now. "Exactly you can't even think up of anyone that would make this work like Justin could." I hate mangement. I hate my mother for allowing this. I hate everyone. "Fine but I'm not being with him when I don't have to be." "Well you have about 10 seconds til he's here."

Ugh! They're already making me talk with him?! I storm out of the seating room and into my own bedroom. The one thing I love about being famous and havig so much money, is making my room into the exact sanctuary I want. When you walk into my bedroom door, a canopy of faux trees incloses you. You then walk into a room with gray colored walls with a zen garden in the middle. Whenyou walk around it, you reach a stair case. At the top of the stairs is my bed with a cream colored comforter with baby blue silk pillows. A bay window that views a beach. When you walk out onto the patio, it faces the court yard.

Just in time, I see Justin pull up in a ridiculous silver Fisker Karma. I walk back into my room. I go back down to the zen garden and into my walk in closet. I put on something nice since there will probably be papperazzi. I slip off my pj's and slippers for a high-waisted mint skinny jeans, black studded heels, and a see-through white tanktop raised above my belly button with a tan bra visibly underneath. I slip on a pair of shades and pull my hair up in a messy bun and head out to the kitchen.

I grab a waterbottle and head to the seating room, knowing good well what's waiting for me. When I walk in everyone quites. I'm glad I have shades on so no one can see the look in my eyes. "Chole this is..." "Justin." "Yea I know who you are." He stands to shake my hand and I swerve heading for a lone chair in the corner.

"So we were just discussing how we are going to make your guy's first apperance. I close my eyes and just nod my head when I know I should."Chloe! Are you even listening?" I slid my shades up onto my head and slotch and lazily say "Not..one..bit.." This makes Justin laugh for some reasoing which makes me mad. I put my shades back on, stand, and walk back up to my room. I change again into a white and pink striped bikini. I put a t-shirt with the hem cut into pieces and the neck wide. I put on ta ankle sandles and pass by the sitting room. 

"If you need me, don't." And walk out onto our own private deck on the beach. I throw my shirt and shoes onto a lounge chair and head to the water. When someone calls my name I dive into the water. When I resurface. Justin is there, sitting and watching me. "What do you want?" He just keeps watching. I go back under and stay under til my lungs need air. He took off his shirt and is just a pair of shorts. "Can I come in?" I give him a look. "It's a free country." 

He dives into the water. I think he has drowned and will never come back til he comes up. He barely runs out of breath. "Why do you hate me?" I stare at him and slowly retract into the water. When I come back up he's staring at me. "WHAT?! Why are you always ataring at me?!" "I think you're just really... beautiful." I go back under and swim until my arms tire. I crawl back onto shore and lie on the sand letting the sun dry me up. "You know you don't have to do this, right." I look dow at him sitting a couple yards away. "Actually I do." "You do't have to do anything you don't want to do." And with that he walks back up to the house.


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